Son, Delivered From Mental Disorder Affliction

NAME: Sister Christiana Lawson.

She is appreciating God for delivering her son who was afflicted with a mental disorder.

The testimony goes thus: One day, she received a call from her children living in Ghana, and was told that her son had a mental disorder, planing on how to visit them, she was told to relax that he’ll be coming to visit her in Nigeria. At his arrival, she discovered that the case was a critical one, this made them seek for solution in different popular places, but all was to no avail.

Fortunately, she was at Oshodi with her son, when a man came across them and directed them to go to The Lord’s Chosen Church. They came on Friday night, and joined the vigil, after then, a pastor came to their rescue by giving them a place to sojourn for the meantime till a church service day when they’ll seat under the ministration of our G.O.

That day came, they arrived at the church auditorium, while her son displayed vehement madness. The man of God mounted the podium, and the woman’s son headed towards the entrance gate, he was brought back by the security men, he (the son) attempted to leave severally, later on, he was allowed to go out of the congregation, his mum(Sister Christiana Lawson) became uncomfortable, having the thought that he would have been withheld from leaving the church. Immediately, our G.O made some declarations and she felt peace within, thereafter; Daddy rebuked the spirit of madness and it left the young man. On his own accord, he returned to the church, sat calmly, his mother (Christiana Lawson) observed him closely and later discovered that God has set her son totally free, that was how he was sent back to Ghana his abode.

Before then, when her son received his healing, the sister that sat close to them in the church advised her ( Sister Christiana Lawson) to join The Lord’s Chosen Church, but she became adamant and went back to her church, so, one day, in a dream, she saw “The Lord’s Chosen” inscribed in the sky, gazing at that, she heard, ” go to The Lord’s Chosen”, she disbelieved the dream, until she fell sick. This time, she came back to the Church and received her healing, now she and her entire family are bonafide members of The Lord’s Chosen Church.

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