Highlights: And The Enemies Submitted 2018

Our expectations, and that of thousands of participants that trooped into this year’s ‘…And the Enemies Submitted’ 2018 programme was not disappointed. The God of Chosen glorified Himself mightily right from the carnival-like praise and worship, to the Holy Ghost inspired Ministration of various Choir group. The wonderful testimonies of the Lord’s doing moderated by the Chief moderator, Pastor Obijiaku was breathtaking. Cases of sicknesses and afflictions that lasted  up to forty-two years were healed. Broken bones of different duration were instantly joined together. Those afflicted with Stroke and partial paralysis were not left out as the healing hands of the God of Chosen rested on them. All those confined to wheel chair due to kidney and liver failures rose up and walked.

The programme witnessed one of the largest turn-out of guests and invitees ever recorded in the movement’s programmes. Various mediums including print, electronic, and social media platforms were used to publicize the programme through various means including but not limited to locust invasions, horse and bike publicities, to name but a few were applied to announce to the general public the importance of the great international programme that happens once in two years.

One of the guests who identified himself as brother Chidiebere Celestine from Enugu state during an interview with The Chosen Press team had this to say;

“I hated chosen with passion, but my experience here has changed my perception about the chosen. I feel at home and proud to declare myself a chosen.”

“Salvation is the greatest miracle and testimony” this is a statement that is accredited to the Pastor and members of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement. The bible in Romans 10:13 says “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”, this was evidence in the ATES2018 as the altar call saw a great number of the guests, invitees and members turn out to give and rededicat their lives to Christ. The members of the church rejoiced at the turn out of the altar call according to the word of the Lord in Luke 15:10 “…there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth”

“I must confess that God is truly in this church”

During the programme, some of the invited guests were interviewed by the Press Department of the movement. This interview was carried out to know the views of these invited guests concerning the activities that went on in the programme.

Chosen Press (Press): God bless you brother, may we know your name and where you came from?

Bro. Uchenna Divine (Divine): My name is Bro UchennaDivine, I came here from Isolo Lagos.

Press: What has been your experience since you came here?

Divine: I have been experiencing the mighty and wonderful works of God in this church, especially through the testimonies I have seen and heard. Indeed God is in this Church.

Press: Do you see yourself becoming a member of the Lord’s Chosen in the nearest future?

Divine: Well, by the grace of God, with the things I have seen, the testimonies and the messages I have heard, I think I might join this church.

Press: What do you have to say about the signs and the wonders happening here today?

Divine: Indeed I must confess that God is truly in this church and He has been using the servant of God to do a lot of wonders in this church and I pray God will continue to strengthen in Jesus Name Amen.

Press: Alright sir, thank you very much for your time. Our prayer is that God will grant all your heart desires and expectations here today in Jesus Name Amen.

Press: Please Sir, May we know your name and location?

Divine: My name is Bro Austin Otene and I came from Abuja.

Press:  What have been your experiences since you came here?

Divine: I have seenthe power of God in this church and I have come to the conclusion that there is just but one God.

Press: Do you see yourself becoming a Chosen in the nearest future?

Divine: Well am a believer and a member of the Mountain of Fire, I was invited here by a woman who came to preach in the hospital where my son was admitted, I have gone to so many places for my child’s condition, the first surgery was done in Abuja yet to no avail, we have also gone to India still the same thing. Am believing God for a miracle here today and I know God will do it and I will come back here to testify the wonderful work of God in my family.

Press: What do you have to say about the signs and wonders happening here?

Divine: Indeed, it is so mighty and marvelous and I bless the name of God for that.

Press: Alright Sir, thank you very much for time. Our prayer is that the Almighty God of Chosen will heal your son and grant all your expectations here today in Jesus name Amen.

I’m so happy that I didn’t miss this great programme

Press: Sir may we know your name and location please?

Divine: My name is Bro Austin Ejike and I came from Ajah, Lekki Lagos

Press: What has been your experience since you came?

Divine: The testimonies are so wonderful and very great and in fact am so happy to be in the midst of the Chosen ones today.

Press: Do you see yourself becoming a Chosen in the nearest future?

Divine: By the grace God the answer is yes, because I know and I have seen that the presence of God is here.

Press: What do you have to say about the signs and wonders happening here?

Divine: Indeed it has been wonderful, and I’m so happy that I didn’t miss this great programme, and my prayer is that God will continue to preserve the servant of God here.

Press: Alright sir, thank you very much for your time, we pray that the good Lord will grant all your heart desires in Jesus name amen.

“I have really experienced the great power of this very God”

Another participants who came for the first time to participate in the Chosen programme spoke to the Chosen Press on what the programme has done for him since he stepped his foot into the movement.

Press: Sir please May we know your name and location?

Bro. Francis Onyejiuwa (Francis): My name is Bro Francis Onyejiuwa, I came from festac town.

Press: What has been your experience since you came?

Francis: Honestly, I have really experienced the great power of this very God, He is really mighty.

Press: Do you see yourself becoming a chosen in the nearest future?

Francis: I believe so, and I want this very God to help me so that I can achieve my dreams and goals.

Press: What do you have to say about the signs and wonders happening here?

Francis: It is indeed the power of God. God is really in this church, I have seen it and I believe it as well.

Press: Thank you for your time. God bless you and be rest assured that all your expectations shall be granted in Jesus Name Amen.

Maggot Infested Placenta Replaced 

She’s thanking God for giving her a new placenta.

It happened that sis Ruth Okum started perceiving a foul odour from her womb. She related her ordeals to her husband who in turn advised that she visit the hospital. At the hospital, the doctor broke the sad news to her that her placenta had rottened to the extent that it had been infested by maggots.
She left the hospital very unhappy and moody. On her way home, she met her branch Pastor over there in Ogun State who inquired why she was moody and was not seen in service. She related her predicament to the pastor. The Pastor told her with all boldness and authority that she should go back to the hospital that tested her for another scan that God of Chosen would grant her another placenta.

She got home that day and started vomiting maggots and traces of the rotten placenta. It was so bad that she stooled maggots and traces of the placenta. but sis. Ruth being a Chosen obeyed her branch Pastor Instruction. She went back to the hospital that tested her, did another scan, when the results came out; the doctor was amazed at what he was seeing. He beckoned on the other doctor and asked “Can a pregnant woman have two placentas?” The doctor told him that it’s impossible, then the doctor showed the other doctor the first scan result and told him “this is the lady I was telling you that maggots infested her rotten placentas and it was damage beyond repair. But to my greatest surprise, the result showed the new placenta is as good as new.”

Meanwhile, before she went for another scan, the doctor asked her to pay some amount of money so that they can flush the rotten placenta. She told him she has no money. Today, God of Chosen has done a perfect job by flushing the old placenta and replaced it with a new one.

Her baby is sound, healthy and kicking to the glory of God.

Praise the Lord!

Salvation Message, your key to Heaven

For those who are still sinners they should confess and give their life to Jesus Christ, 1Jn. 3: 8 – 9; 1Jn. 5: 17; Matt. 19: 4 – 6; Exo. 12: 13; Jn. 1: 29; Jn. 19: 30; Jn. 14: 6; Matt. 11: 28; Jn. 14:28; Jn. 1: 12; 2Corin. 5: 17; Rom. 10: 13

The message in brief

Topic: And the Enemy Submitted

Text: Exo. 10: 7-12, 12: 29-33; Isa. 45: 22-23; Psalm 66:3

Yesterday and even today we all saw what happen here and the testimonies abound. So, No matter what we have been going through or those that have been following us about, we are rest assured that they must surrender to us and restoration of our glory is guaranteed.  We have come to the point where we are convinced that this church is the last bus stop according to the book of Micah 4: 1. We are assured today that our life will turn around for good and our victory is guaranteed. Wherever our enemies may be they have been condemned to submit we will sing new songs.

The message was considered under the following points

Point 1: That Enemies Must Submit and Reason

Over the years enemies might have kept you in bondage because you do not know your God, or because you do not have anyone to break the yoke. Pastor Lazarus Muoka assured us that the yoke must break because He is here for us by the mercies of God, he elaborated more using the following scriptures Isaiah 61: 1. God almighty has decided our freedom and it cannot be otherwise. He elaborated more using scripture such as Psalm 62: 11; Isaiah 45: 23; Psalm 66: 3; Isaiah 43: 10 -13.

Point 2: Examples of Enemies, Submitted Enemies

Examples abound of enemies who were stubborn and even challenged God. But God dealt with them. Examples include Pharaoh, Harod Psalm 68: 30. Nebuchadnezer, Nehmar, he elaborated more using the following scripture Exodus 3: 6 – 8, 5: 1 – 2, 6: 1 – 2, 7: 12 – 14, 12: 29 – 33, 12: 29 – 33, 14: 1, 13 – 14. He said our response should be obedience to the Lord in everything. We must not be disobedient like the fallen angel and expect the Lord to fight for us. 2Corin. 10: 3 – 6; Deut 28: 1 – 3; Psalm 2: 8; Matt. 7: 7 – 8; 2 Chron. 20: 25.

Read more of this and other stories on the next Edition of the Time of Visitation Magazine, Chosen News, Showers of Blessings and other publications of the Movement.

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