The Extraordinary Power Of God In The Lord’s Chosen Church Is Confirmed By A Muslim – Lagos Experience 2023

1 Corinthians 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty things;

Indeed God Almighty, the Doer of all great works, the God Of Heaven and earth has performed mysterious acts in the life of brother Sodiq.

Here is his testimony.

My name is Awodele Sodiq and I’m a Muslim Corper, I reside in Ajegunle, Lagos State, Nigeria.

It happened that there is this woman in my street, each time she passes by, she gives me a Chosen flyer and I throw it away.
On the 31st of December, 2022, I saw her passing and asked her for a new year gift, she said that she is a widow and does not have money to give me but she will give me something better than money, she pulled off her apron and gave to me and I hung it in my room.

On 3rd January 2023, around 12:30 a.m. armed robbers came into our lodge of 16 rooms and robbed all youth corp members, when they got to my apartment and banged on the door, I refused to open the door and they threatened to kill me if they forcefully enter my room. They kicked the door and it opened. On the other hand, I already kept my phone and the little money I have on the table, they wanted to collect it but the leader looked around to see if there was any valuable thing to take, then he saw the apron where I hung it. He looked at me and asked if I’m a Chosen, I didn’t know what to answer him because I am a Muslim. I stood there and one of the robbers told his boss that they should take his (apron)away but their boss slapped him and said, “don’t you see that this man has covered this boy, he is under the umbrella of this man, and I don’t want any problem, so let’s leave immediately”. Other armed men said all they could see is the apron, but their boss insisted that they let me be because what he saw was beyond them. The robbery was so terrible that the hoodlums raped a female corp member, and as they were about to leave, their leader returned and said, “I am sorry about the door we broke and everything that happened, I don’t want a problem with that man”. I replied, no problem.

However, This morning, while I was on my way to CDS (Community Development Service), I had the urge to share this testimony, and when I came here, I felt the presence of God here and I’m comfortable.

Praise the Lord!

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