Numerous Scholarship Awards And Outstanding Degrees Of Honour Granted By God

Daniel 1:20 And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.

God magnified Himself multiple times in the life of our sister and gave her the testimonies below:

My name is Sister Okara Patience Chukwuyerem. I’m here to thank God for making me a graduate.

It all started in my secondary school, where I went for a competition in Enugu East Local Government Area, God helping me, I took the third position and was awarded a scholarship by a senator in Nigeria, that was how my WAEC was taken care of. After that, I had the goal of becoming a professor which made me to proceed to the College Of Education to study Political Science And Social Studies. As soon as I resumed school, things were tough for me.

At my 300 level, I gave a speech in my school and God favored me with a scholarship by the Deputy Provost of the institution which covered my stay in that school till graduation; I won a prize for the best behaved female student, graduated as the best on the general school level, and in the Political Science and Social Studies departments with a First Class honour.

It is significant to state that when I entered the school, there was no Chosen Campus Fellowship, but with the help of God and some brethren, we established one.

After schooling at the college of education, I enrolled in the University to earn a degree in Political Science, but the fees were too much. I had to write scholarship exams, and on that day, we had limited time and lots of questions to answer, I was in the second question on Mathematics when I heard five minutes more. Just then, I remembered the testimony of a Nigerian Navy woman who called on God in the exam hall to intervene and the Almighty showed up, in that faith; I asked God to help me. Amazingly, when the result was released, I passed excellently and was awarded a scholarship by the Vice-Chancellor. Discovering that I have the gift of writing poems, speeches, and articles, the Vice-chancellor advised that I go for English and Literally Studies instead of Political Science.

Last month, after my final examination, my name was among the proposed First Class students who were meant to undergo several tests and character exams before they can be confirmed as certified First Class graduates by the National University Commission.

I sat for that exam and scaled through outstandingly; I became the only best graduating student in my program, department, and faculty. Hallelujah!

Again, we attended a seminar hosted by the South Chambers Of Commerce And Industry: an online training based on entrepreneurship of which we were meant to summarize what we have learned after the training. Out of 8 students, I performed exceptionally well and came out the best among all; The director awarded me a scholarship to process their online training and a brand new phone which will enable me to run the needed app. Furthermore, he assured me that I’ll be employed to lecture other people in and outside the country when I’m through with the training.

To crown it all, God favoured me with a loving, caring and wonderful husband.

All glory to His name. Praise the Lord!

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