The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

[INTERVIEW]Armed Robbers Shot Me, But The Bullets Could Not Penetrate
CRN: May we know you?
Response: My name is sister Beatrice Okpalu, I reside in Aleto, Eleme, Port Harcourt, and joined The Lord’s Chosen Ministry in the year 2012.
CRN: We heard you say you are a nurse as you were testifying.
Beatrice: yes, am a nurse, and I own a maternity home, I came to appreciate God for delivering me from an armed robbery attack in my community.
CRN: What really happened sister?
Beatrice: There have been a group of armed robbers that often pay unwanted visits to Aleto, which prompted people in that community to vacate their houses to unknown places because of fear and threat posed by those armed robbers. I decided not to relocate in line with the words of our daddy G.O thus: ” we as the Chosen is taking over the world by signs and wonders “. That statement kept me going. One day, I dressed up for a wedding ceremony and as I was about to leave the house, an armed robber invaded my room and ordered me to submit all my money to him. I began to declare: I’m a chosen 3 times, armed robber, ritualist, Who are you”. He shot me and the bullet did not penetrate, that gave me the courage to walk out on him to the reception room. When I got there, I discovered that my nurses, five of them were held, hostage. At this point, I identified one of them and interrogated him, he became furious.
CRN: Sister, what was your reaction, when you saw your nurses being held, hostage?
Beatrice: I continued my declaration ” I’m a chosen “… As directed by our daddy G.O. they sporadically shot at me, but, I never relent in my declaration until some of them suggested they leave while the others said they will set the house ablaze seeing the gunshots could not penetrate into my body, they finally decided to leave the house and ran away.
CRN: What was the reaction of people in your neighborhood?
Beatrice: The residents of Aleto, Elem community, came around to sympathize with me and confirmed that the signs and wonders happening in the Lord’s chosen ministry are real and not fabricated stories, there and then, I encouraged them and invited them to come and see things by themselves.
CRN: We appreciate God for your testimony.
Beatrice: I thank God for the demonstration of his power.
CRN: Sister, we rejoice with you and we encourage you to continue in faith and remain a chosen.
Beatrice: I will remain a Chosen because my testimony has brought instant restoration in Aleto, Eleme community.
CRN: May God bless you.
Beatrice: Bless you too.
CRN: Goodbye.