Instant Touch Of God At The Grand Finale Of “God Has The Power To Do This Or That” At Ibadan, Oyo State Crusade 2022

Fascinating! Just like a mighty rushing wind, the healing power of God breezed into the congregation at the moment of healing and freedom declaration by our Daddy in the Lord Pastor Lazarus Muoka, and God showcased the splendor of His glory in the following ways:

A man with 2days of violent madness instantly healed
A man 27 years born deaf and dumb instantly healed
A woman 5 weeks of waist pain instantly healed
My man 9 months stroke instantly healed
A man 1 year and 6 months stroke instantly healed
A man had two weeks of hand pain and a Twisted finger instantly healed.
A man 10 months stroke instantly Healed
A woman 6years stroke instantly healed
A young girl 4 years born deaf and dumb instantly healed
A man Muslim, 7 years, with partial blindness, memory loss, and general body pain instantly healed.
A man delivered of 2weeks strange voice hearing and body pain
A girl 12 years born deaf and dumb instantly healed
A man 4 years of chest pain instantly healed
A girl 11 years born deaf and dumb instantly healed


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