The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

In The Course Of Our G.O’s Ministration, He Turned Towards My Direction And Said, I Give You New Eyes In Jesus’ Name, And I Replied, Amen. – Juliet Adora
The God that heals all sicknesses and diseases has displayed His awesome power of healing upon the life of our sister, below is her testimony:
My name is Sister Juliet Adora from Sango Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.
I have come to appreciate God for His great works in my life. This is my testimony:
I gave birth to my baby on the 3rd of October, 2021 through Caesarean Section (CS). After delivery, I started having complications, and as a result of that, I became paralyzed and was unable to walk. My BP was high, I had a convulsion, and was rushed back to the hospital. On getting there, I was rejected on the basis that my case was severe. There and then, I was referred to another hospital where they treated me for some days and indicated that my kidney had issues, they also made us know that they don’t have the equipment for that treatment. I was asked to go to Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LUTH).
On the other hand, my mother who is a Chosen member told my husband to bring me to the Lord’s Chosen Church, but he resisted the idea insisting that we should go to the LUTH. After much negotiations, he (my husband) asked me to know which option I prefer, and I told him that I want to go to the Lord’s Chosen Church.
We came to this place in November 2021 during the program titled, “Hope For The Needy”. I was wheeled into this auditorium with the help of a wheelchair. I had not eaten for some days, my blood pressure (BP) was still high, I was seating lifeless, and I couldn’t see.
I beckoned on my mom and asked to know if it was time for the Pastor to come out because I was already giving up. She said, “don’t worry my daughter you will be fine”.
Before I could know it, the Pastor came out and started making declarations: if you cannot use your body, rise and walk. I said Amen, my mom and those around me gazed at me, so I managed to stand and move around a little but was still very weak, I had to sit back.
On the 2nd and last day of the Crusade, I prayed and told God that I won’t go home the way I came, I also want to breastfeed my baby because I haven’t done that for the first time since I gave birth to him.
Later on, my sister encouraged me to exercise faith so I won’t go home the same way I came. I believed and had confidence that God will do it for me. I relaxed till our Pastor mounted the podium and started declaring healing to people who can’t walk or use their bodies perfectly, my sister touched me and said I should react to the words of our G.O.
A Few minutes later, strength came upon me, I stood up from the back, and walked to the front.
I was glad and suggested to my mom that we should go back to our seats, she refused and insisted that we stay there(close to the pulpit). We remained there till our Pastor began to minister, and in the course of his ministration, he turned towards my direction and said, “I give you new eyes in Jesus’ name. Meanwhile, I wasn’t seeing clearly, and I replied, “amen”. Instantly, my partially blind eyes saw clearly.
I started seeing the altar and our Daddy in the Lord who was preaching on it, that was how the BP normalized, the kidney problem disappeared, and I started making use of my body properly again.
On reaching home that day, the woman that saw me before I left home was so amazed and glorified God for my sake. Praise the Lord!
I’m here to return all the glory to this Great God Of Chosen who has healed me and made my husband a Chosen member. Today, people refer to us as “a Chosen Family”.
I pray for my G.O and the Chosen members worldwide: heaven at last, in Jesus’ name. Amen.