[PHOTOS] Immediate Touch Of God At The Grand Finale Of ‘From Sorrow To Joy’ Crusade 2022

Job 5:12 He disappointeth the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.
The Miraculous God Of Chosen lashed, disgraced, and disappointed the ugly works of the devil after the brief prayers and declaration of healing by our Daddy G.O. He( God) loosed and set the captives free. Here are His wondrous works below:
1. A girl, 17 years born deaf and dumb healed.
2. Two girls 12 and 17 years from the same parent born deaf and dumb healed.
3. A man, 20 years deaf and dumb healed.
4. A man, 21 years born deaf and dumb healed.
5. A man with, a broken leg joined together.
6. A man, with 2 months of broken bone healed.
7. A man with, a 1-year stroke healed.
8. A man with, 2 years of stroke healed.
9. A woman, with 15 years of paralysis healed.
10. A man, 3 years and 3 months accident and inability to walk and hear healed.
11. A woman, with 5 years of kneecap injury healed.
12. A man, 2 months can’t walk and hear healed.
13. A woman, 3 months pains healed.
14. A woman, 8 years can’t walk because of pain healed.
15. A man, with 10 months stroke healed.
16. A woman, with 1-week paralysis healed.
17. A man with, 1 year broken bone healed.
18. A woman, with 8 months stroke healed.
19. A woman, with 4 years of paralysis healed.
20. A man, with 5 years of swollen leg healed.
21. A man, with 12 years of glaucoma and leg pain healed.
23. A woman, with 3 years of kidney failure healed.
24. A man, with 1-month arthritis healed.
25. A man with, 5 months stroke healed.
26. A man, 1 year 4 months stroke healed.
27. A man, with a 4-month stroke healed.
28. A woman, with 2 months of Parkinson’s disease healed.
29. A woman, 9 months lost of memory and 3 years paralysis healed.
30. A woman, 2 weeks ankle dislocation healed.
31. A man, with 3 years of broken bone healed.
32. A man, with 2 months of broken bone healed.
33. A man, 20 years born deaf and dumb healed.
34. A man, 5 years of partial paralysis and stroke healed.
35. A man, with hepatitis B, and an ulcer healed.
36. A man, with a 2-month stroke healed.
37. A man, 5 months leg poison healed.
38. A man, with 4 months of partial paralysis healed.
39. A man, 20 years born deaf and dumb healed.
40. A man, 20 years deaf and dumb healed.
41. A man, 20 years broken bone healed.
42. A woman, with 6 years of partial paralysis healed.
43. A woman, 21 years born deaf and dumb healed.
44. A woman, 7 years can’t walk healed.
45. A man, 4 months swollen body healed.
46. A man, with 1-year waist pain healed.
47. A man, with 2 years of chronic headache healed.
48. A woman, with 1-year chronic body pain healed.
49. A woman with, 1-month waist dislocation healed.
50. A woman, 3 months leg poison healed.
51. A man, 7 months of partial paralysis healed.
52. A woman, 7 months accident induced paralysis healed.
53. A woman, with 1-year paralysis healed.
54. A man, with 1-year poison-induced paralysis healed.
55. A man, 1-year madness healed.
56. A man, with 6 months of paralysis healed.
57. A woman, 1 year broken bone healed.
58. A woman, 1 year and 6 months broken bone healed.
59. A man, 1 month and 2 weeks spinal cord injury healed.
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