How The Hope For The Needy (Jesus Christ) Healed Me And Made Me A Millionaire In The Lord Chosen Church

Psalm 72:12 For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. 13 He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. 15 And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised.
The Same Yesterday, Today And Forever(God) has proved Himself in the life and family of our sister, the below are her words.
My name is Sister Angela Ohadiro. I reside at No. 5 Adudu Oduwu street, off Isheri Osu, Lagos, Nigeria.
I am thanking God for making my family and I Chosen members. Also, I appreciate God for healing me of chronic stomach ache that lasted for 8 months. It starts at 2 pm and pains me all through the day, but one Thursday service, our G.O mentioned the case, he said, “that sister over there, they sent the spirit of stomach ache to destroy your life, I cancel it in Jesus name”.
From that day till today the pain is no more.
Secondly, I thank God for the business that we are into. Before now, we were living in a room apartment and hardly have two square meals, whenever it rains, it would commence and end on us; that was how terrible our case was. As soon as we began to do what our G.O preaches: sowing seeds, paying tithe, going out to do the work of God, and evangelism, our situation changed.
Today, it is from one shop to five shops, from one room to 3 bedroom flat, God favoured us with one big Amonde jeep. In the East, He gave us plots of land and 2 buildings: one storey each. Hallelujah!
At this juncture, I say may all glory, honour, adoration, power, and majesty be ascribed to His holy name alone now and forever.
I pray heaven at last for our lovely Daddy and sweet Mummy, their wonderful children and grandchildren, me, my family, and the Chosen people all over the world in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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