How The Extraordinary Power Of God Came Upon An 11-Year-Old Girl Who Is Doing Exploit

Mark 16:15; “And He Said unto Them, Go Ye Into The World, And Preach The Gospel To Every Creature”.

“The Lord has given us authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us”
The above statement is the complete scenario to show the wondrous act of God in the life of our little sister.
Read her testimony;

My name is Precious Godfrey, and I worship at the Okere branch, I am 11 years old. I thank God for making me and my family a Chosen.

During the 2022 youth program, I followed online, our Daddy in the Lord (Pastor Lazarus Muoka) during a prayer session said and I quote “You over their bed-wetting and having constant urination, I declare you healed in Jesus’ name” After that the spirit of bed-wetting was rolled away from my life.

My second testimony goes thus: I am an evangelist in my branch, and I also conduct fellowship in my school, but one day, I decided to conduct a fellowship with my classmates, Immediately, two girls came out and started asking me if I am the only Christian in the school, that they are witches, I told them that if they are witches, I am a Chosen, and they started eyeing me and said that they would report me to their group, I told them that if they attempt calling my name anywhere for evil, that they will see the wrath of God because I am a Chosen. They started distracting others in the fellowship but I was not bothered, then during the closing prayer, I told those with me to pray that God will show those girls his power

The following week, they looked very sick and were shivering. They came to me and started apologizing, then one of them said that they would like to join the fellowship henceforth.

Again, there was this girl from another religion who said that her mum told her that their God does not have any begotten son, I replied to her that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God and that without holiness, no man shall see God. Since then, she started fellowshipping with us.

I pray that God will bless us as we preach anywhere we find ourselves.

Chosen Praise the Lord.

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