How I Got A Job In A United States Based Company After The Prayer Of Our G.O.

So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man – Prov 3 vs 4
The Way Maker, Jehovah overdo visited our sister when she thought all hope was lost. Read her testimony below.
My name is Sister Happiness Chibuzor. I reside in Agege, Lagos State, Nigeria, I thank God for making me a Chosen member.
I’m here to give God all glory for what He has done for me and my family.
In 2020, I started learning a digital skill, freelancing. I completed the training in two years and started looking for international jobs, I would be called for an interview, then afterward I wouldn’t hear from them again. This routine continued and things were not so rosy for my husband, three to four months ago, we were begging for bread, and I prayed to God and told Him that I cannot have a skill while my children go hungry, I reminded Him of how He did it for David, who killed Goliath with stones and a catapult, Moses with a rod in his hand, the sea was divided, and Samson with the jaw bone of a donkey, he defeated thousands of armies.
It is my time, I asked Him to breathe into my skill so that it can come alive. After that, I applied for another job in a US-based company that met all requirements, they sent me a mail to do a video presentation about what I can offer with my skill and passed the interview.
The next was with the director himself, the interview that was supposed to last for an hour took only 20 minutes. That day, I was scared, the director was just laughing, he said has forgotten all he intended to ask me. He only inquired to know my nationality and how many kids I have, he said he would give me another test and that if I passed, I would work with him. The task was given to me on Friday to be submitted on Monday. I submitted that Monday and the next day, Tuesday, I received a notification to report as soon as possible.
This job comes with so many benefits; I’m paid on weekly basis in dollars, and I’m entitled to 13 months’ salary unlike in Nigeria where workers are entitled to 12 months’ salary I am also entitled to periodic leave and vacations with other bonuses.
The God that did this for me, may His name be exalted in Jesus’ name.
I pray for my G.O., his household, all Chosen members, I and my family, heaven at last in Jesus’ name.

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