How I Challenged God And Was Embarrassed Financially

NAME: Sister God’sglory
As it was in the Bible days when Jesus observed a group of people offering to God in the church. He identified a woman who gave her last two mites and declared her offering outstanding.
Mark: 12. 42. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. 43. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
This scenario has replayed itself in the life of our sister below.
My name is Sister God’sglory. I thank God for making me a Chosen. I have come to appreciate God for His wondrous works in my life.
At Enugu State crusade titled, “God Has Sworn To Bless you“. During the seed sowing time, I had the sum of two hundred and fifty Naira(#250) in my account and promised to give God the next amount I’ll get. A week and some days later, 100,000 Naira was transferred to me. Without hesitation, I transferred the money into the church account, just then, the spirit of God ministered to me and said, “since you’ve done this, you’ll receive surprises”. In not less than 2 weeks, I received an alert of 550,000 Naira, two weeks following, another 200,000 Naira was transferred into my account, making it 750,000 Naira.
Secondly, my daughter was unconscious for 2 days, while the sickness lingered, there was no big difference between my girl and a dead body, the distinction was very slim. Days later, some pastors from my branch church came around to pray for her, after that, God revived her, delivered her from the hands of death, then made her whole, strong and sturdy.

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