How 29 Years Of Stomach Torment And Crises Ceased

Matthew 14:14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.
The Lord granted our brother victory over an aged long ailment, and put songs of praises into his mouth, this made him to state the below.
My name is Brother Tony, I joined the Lord’s Chosen Church in 2006. My testimony goes thus: in 1991, at Osun State, I had a stomach problem that has disturbed me for 29 years. I’ve been to several places and hospitals: Health Care Centers, Obafemi Awolowo Teaching Hospital, and many churches until I came in contact with the Lord’s Chosen Church.
In 2020, during the program titled, ‘Only God Can Do This, I engaged myself in evangelism and invited people to the program. One of the days, I was opportune to see the G.O. who told all my needs and troubles, he declared, “I curse the stomach ache in Jesus name. That was how the troubled abdomen ceased.
Prior to now, whenever the upset begins, it seems like a knife is being thrust through my intestines, it hurts!
Secondly, my son who I compelled to join The Lord’s Chosen Church outside the country, though not a bona fide member was trapped on his way by some car agency crew, on remembering the declarations I told him to make whenever he gets into danger: I’m a Chosen(*3), ask the danger, ‘who are you, then call on the God of my Pastor. He did exactly that and was instantly released.
On the other hand, he informed me of the issues he had with his citizenship papers, I presented the matter to God, and heard the testimony of a man who testified of how God granted his son citizenship papers outside the country, I queued into the testimony and promised to give God the same amount of vow he made. Today, the citizenship papers have been released to my son, and I’m here to return all the glory to God with the sum of #30,000 Naira.

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