His Excellency, Governor Douye Diri Of Bayelsa State Storms Mgbidi 2022 Lagos Experience International Crusade

The Executive Governor of Bayelsa State Douye Diri with his entourage visited the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement International Corporate Headquarters at Ijesha, Lagos state, Nigeria.
He appreciated the God Of Chosen who has been with him all through the election process and made everything work out in his favour.
He also acknowledged the presence of God in Bayelsa state as a whole and remarked that the state is overwhelmed with joy and gladness at the deeds of the Lord among them.
Laying down on the altar, the Governor worshipped God as a matter of reverence, keeping to the promise he made to the Almighty God. He thanked the only good God who has been so good to him and the Chosen ones, then returned all the praises, adoration, and thanksgiving to the GOD of Chosen.

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