The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Another exceptional event is around the corner and it’s a few weeks from now. Hallelujah!
It will be great and promises to be extraordinarily distinctive with features: genuine salvation, restoration, Holy Ghost baptism, extraordinary power, fire and unending zeal to do the will of God, healing, deliverance, and lots more.
God shall descend amid his people to wroth unbelievable exploits: power as of old.
Come along with the sick, maimed, and all who are oppressed by the devil, because all yokes shall be broken, all chains loosed, solution to problems, and answers to all ugly life situations as God shall turn all sorrows into Joy!
It shall happen live at The Lord’s Chosen Revival Ground Ijesha, Lagos, Nigeria.
Date: Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th February 2022.
Ministering: Pastor Lazarus Muoka (General Pastor TLCCRM).
Time: 8 am daily.
It shall be streamed live on Chosen Cable, YouTube(ChosenTVofficial), FaceBook, Mobile App (VM Africa), and other Chosen Media platforms.
You can’t afford to miss this great life-changing event, Plan to attend!
Jesus is Lord!