The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Four Years Of Madness Instantly Rolled Away – Easter Retreat 2023
And it shall come to pass in that day That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck, And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing – Isaiah 10 vs 27
Indeed, anointing breaks every yoke, this is one of the mysterious acts of God. The Almighty proved His power in the life of our brother.
His testimony;
My name is Sister Alegbe, and beside me is my nephew Brother Solomon, we are from Edo State, Nigeria.
In the year 2019, I received a call that my nephew acted strange, we rushed and took him.
Before we could know it, the problem became worse, we took him to hospitals, churches, and odd places in search of solutions but all was to no avail.
Then, someone told us about The Lord’s Chosen church, and that there would be a retreat this Easter 2023, I prepared, and we arrived at this revival ground yesterday, and
I had faith that God will settle his case.
Today, as the man of God mounted the pulpit and began to pray, I presented his matter before God, as the servant of God decreed that every insanity be rolled away, I went close and spoke to him, and he looked at me and smiled.
Furthermore, I asked him questions and he gave me exact answers. Hallelujah! He has regained his sanity.
I am still in shock because I don’t know how to explain what happened.
Doubtlessly, God is here.
Praise the Lord!