Double Promotion Granted With Increase In Salary By The God Of Chosen

The Omnipotent God honored the declaration of our Pastor in the life of our brother by embarrassing him on a peripheral basis. No one can give above God.

Luke: 6:38. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal, it shall be measured to you again.

My name is Brother Olusegun Joseph. I thank God for making me a Chosen. I joined this Great Movement in the year 2009.

I am here to thank God for His goodness and mercies upon my life.

My testimony goes thus:
I voluntarily decided to pay-in a certain amount of money for the purchase of our G.O’s aircraft which will enable him to accomplish the 3 fold vision and 10 Billion souls mandate. He prayed and commanded the billionaire’s status upon my life.

Months later, before the just concluded crusade, at my place of work, God made it to be that my salary was increased, this was seconded by double promotion.

To this Faithful God who has done this for me, I say: let all the glory, honor, and majesty be ascribed unto his holy name.
For my G.O I pray that God will guide and protect him and his household.



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