The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Closing Report Of From Sorrow To Joy, 2025
God’s Purpose, Modern Day Arc Of Noah, The Mountain On Top Of Mountains ( TLCCRM) was at its peak as it organized an international annual event that takes place every second month of the year.
Prayers and supplications were made towards its realization, and God in His infinite faithfulness accompanied the process of the crusade with awesome signs, wonders, great healings, deliverances, and incredible deeds as it were of old: 19 and 22 years born deaf and deaf heard and spoke, 7 years fractured bones and twisted fingers, 14 years rheumatism, 5 years cancer of the bladder and other terminal ailments were knocked out.
Gathered from far and near, physically and virtually were crowds who observed, participated, and partook in every bit of the outpour of God’s power, presence, and glory. Few among the dignitaries who attended were: His Royal Highness, Eze Oliver Ochimma Eze Chukwukwadoro 1 of Ugwu 2 Elugu-Ukabia Autonomous Community in Imo State, and
High Chief Obieluigida Nwakibeya, Traditional Prime Minister Elugu-Ukabia Autonomous Community in Imo State.
As melodious songs were sung by different choristers ranging from the children, Chosen school students, Yoruba, campus, youths, P.R.O, adult, duet, and chorus leaders with spirit-filled-inspired recitations and presentations made by the Chosen Revival kids, pupils, and students of the Church institution, everywhere was conspicuously enhanced with electrified thunderous shouts and excited exclamations of thanksgiving and worship to God Almighty for His exceptional goodness upon the ministry and members worldwide.
A brother testified of how God delivered him from a 17-year leg injury( broken leg) caused by his stubbornness and carefree lifestyle of smoking, drinking, and selling hard drugs, the Lord granted him genuine salvation and healed his broken leg.
A sister appreciated God for healing her nine years of partial stroke, shortened hand, and partial blindness. As the man of God mentioned her case, her withered hand began to vibrate and before she could know it, it became straightened, plus her partially blind eye saw clearly, unlike before when she was unable to see and move her hand freely.
A brother testified of how God healed him from 9 years of chronic peptic ulcers which made him always wake up at midnight (12 and 3 am) to eat. He was placed on medication as a result of the discomfort he felt every night, but after the prayers of the man of God, all his afflictions were rolled away. Hallelujah!
Visit for more striking marvelous works of God.
The man of God elaborated on topics titled, “From Sorry To Joy” (parts 1&2), stating that many people are in terrible sorrow as a result of the activities of the devil and his demons who have put them into uncountable problems. He warned that the devil should not be consulted when one is undergoing sorrow because he’s the cause of sorrow, and advised that God’s people should always keep themselves, resist, and flee from all enticements of the the wicked one who will wreck the good plans of God for their lives.
Many others who have been held hostage in sin, wickedness and notorious atrocities acknowledged, confessed, and surrendered their lives to Christ.
Intercession was made to the throne of mercy on their behalf for the forgiveness of sin, while prayers of victories, deliverances, connections, and favors were made for the worshipper.
Everyone returned to their various destinations joyfully.
Surely! Ugly situations, afflictions, and torments have been smashed by God, He has taken over and turned all sorrows into rivers of joy.