[INTERVIEW] An Armed Robber Receives Christ After Having An Encounter With A Chosen Evangelist

CRN: May we know you?
RESPONSE: My name is Bro Felix Saturday, from Ahaoada, Aguda Local government area of Rivers state. I reside in Owerri.
CRN: You talked about the armed robbery gang while testifying
RESPONSE: yes, I joined an armed robbery gang in the year 2009. I have operated in 7 places, shed blood, and injured people with knives, daggers, and guns, we have been into it since then till 2012. That year we had an operation appointment, I tried my friend’s number, but it wasn’t reachable, I decided to go alone, and I made away with N200, 000. The next day, the youths of the locality visited that area, my friend informed them that I was the armed robber that carried out the operation. 3 days after, I heard a knock on my door, asked who was knocking, and they identified themselves as SARS officers, on hearing that, I refused to open the door, but they furiously banged on it till it opened.
CRN: What did you do when you heard they were SARS officers?
RESPONSE: I became afraid and refused to open the door, that reaction made them angrily hit the door, opened it, entered, and arrested me.
CRN: What later happened?
RESPONSE: After two days, my mother visited the SARS station to indicate that I’m her son, she was detained, and the next day, she was bailed. Three days later, I was taken to the court, the magistrate asked if I am guilty, I replied: “I am not”. He finally referred me to another prison in Ahaoada River State.
CRN: What happened at the second prison?
RESPONSE: One week later, I sent for my mother, she came and began to reprimand me, after that, she stated that we should look for a solution, I told her to sell one of my father’s land owned by me, she concurred, got a lawyer, and paid him #180,000. The lawyer began to process the case, he did it for some time, and in 2015, my mother told me that the lawyer’s number was not reachable, in the interval of one year, we tried to get at him, but all was to no avail.
CRN: What came to your mind, after confirming that the lawyer’s number was no longer reachable?
RESPONSE: It looked like all hope was lost, but on second thought, we decided to sell the second plot of land for N250,000 and got another lawyer that stated his price to be N170,000. In 2016, the lawyer commenced the court process, and in 2018, he filed my bail application, at this point, the judge entitled to the application, was transferred and the new one rejected the application.
CRN: When you discovered your bail was rejected, what was your next plan?
RESPONSE: I finally resorted to ending my life in prison. This year 2019, my mother also lost hope. Again, on my own part, I hardened my heart to do more evil, my mother noticed it and felt bad about it. The first week of September 2019. A group of Chosen evangelists visited the prison, when I saw them, my mind told me to go and meet with the pastor, I approached him, telling him that I have been here since 2012, and I have no helper. The pastor asked if I am a chosen, I categorically said No, but I want to become one, again, he said, if I believed, he will pray for me and the God of the Chosen will deliver me. He prayed for me, stating that I will receive a sign within 2 months. In the interval of two weeks, the record board came, demanding to see me, the warden in charge called and told me that the bail application filed by my lawyer has been adjourned, and it was to be held on the 24th of September.
CRN: When you heard that your case has been adjourned, what came to your mind at that point?
RESPONSE: I was happy, relieved a bit, and waited anxiously to know the next thing I would be told to do. Finally, the day of the adjournment came, I was taken to the hall, there and then, a miscarriage of justice occurred, proper Court processes were not adhered to by the magistrate, and suddenly,
I was called out and asked if I have turned a new leaf (twice), I replied “yes, I have”. Thereafter, she started writing, and when she was done with that, she began to read, conclusively, she stated thus, “you have been discharged and acquitted”
C.R.N: When you heard discharged and acquitted, what did you do?
RESPONSE: In shock, I was amazed, she repeated the statement, “you have been discharged and acquitted”, turning to leave, she called me back, and said, “become a church member, else u will die”. After that, I left, reaching home, my mother sighted me, she least believed what she saw, I had to narrate the story to her, in turn, she said I should show her the church (THE LORD’S CHOSEN). On the other hand, my sister tried to discourage her, but she insisted to know the location of the church. Finally, I relocated to Owerri and located the Lord’s Chosen church, shared my testimony with the brethren, and also heard about this program “THAT YOKE MUST BREAk” and decided to come.
C.RN: We bless God for your testimony.
RESPONSE: The God of Chosen is so great! I still marvel at the wonders he has done for me.
C.RN: We rejoice with you and urge you to continue in faith, identify with a department and actively involve yourself in it.
RESPONSE: I will and forever remain a chosen, also I trust that more wonders of the God of the chosen are yet to manifest in my life.
C.R.N: Remain blessed
RESPONSE: God bless you

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