Asthma Of Over 38 Years Was Rolled Away By God.

Mattew 19:26 – “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Our God is a specialist in impossibilities, He steps in when we think that all hope is lost and turns the tides around. Our brother is a living testimony of God’s faithfulness.

Read his testimony;

My name is Brother Donatus Nwanya from Taraba State.

Brethren before I continue, I want to apologize to our G.O. and the entire church for being among those that used the demonic Linda cassette to mock and defame the church. After watching the video, I would always mock Chosen people that wear aprons but today, I am a Chosen.

I joined this great Church three weeks ago through One of the fervent brothers by the name of Brother Godson. The brother was always reaching out to me with the gospel of Christ filled with hope and encouragement including my needs. I was amazed by the show of genuine love and kindness, At one point, I decided to confide in him, and I told him that I have been suffering from Asthma for years, surprisingly, he looked at me, laughed, and assured me that my case was a small one to be compared with what God of Chosen has done and can do.

However, something miraculous happened that made me decide to follow him, God did something spectacular in his life that created a record-breaking testimony within our neighborhood. It happened that the brother was traveling when he had an encounter with armed robbers and they wanted to use their machete to cut off his head but the knife could not penetrate. So, the testimony went viral and people were wondering if he used charm but he told them that he is a Chosen and that God is the secret of his divine protection.

After telling the brother about the illness I was battling, he started bringing Chosen materials to me. He gave me a Chosen apron, a handkerchief, and two books titled ” Signs and Wonders” and “20th Anniversary”. I read the books for three hours with full concentration. The testimonies were mind-blowing.

Afterward, I asked him how I could meet the G.O. for prayers because I was already using an inhaler and many drugs including one that almost killed me but God spared my life. The brother gave me the G.O.’s number and I sent a message to him (G.O.), then I checked and discovered that the message has been delivered, then after a few minutes I got a response of prayer, immediately, I knew my case was already settled, however, I decided to check myself to be sure that I was healed. I started bathing with cold water for 3 days and nothing happened to me, It was indeed unusual. Then I decided to follow him to this program, on Thursday when the program started, our G.O. declared freedom for people experiencing difficulty in breathing, I quickly claimed it and laughed at the Asthma, presenting the word of God’s messenger to it. After the prayer, I became whole. I felt relieved and rejuvenated, when I went out for lunch that day, I bought cold water and drank which I have not done for years yet nothing happened. From that day till now, the inhaler I brought, I have not and won’t use it anymore.

Even though I have been an evangelist for many years and I also pray for people but I was suffering this affliction within me yet no solution to it. I have been trusting God for this great deliverance for years now and am glad I have received my healing. On this great wonder the Lord has done for me, I am dedicating myself to go for evangelism even in the most remote place.

I sincerely appreciate God for all He has done for me and I return all the glory to Him forever in Jesus’ name Amen.

Chosen praise the Lord!


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