The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

57 Years Cripple With Twisted Legs Healed By The God Of Chosen At ‘Only God Can Do’ This Program
Jesus the same yesterday, today, and forever as recorded in the Bible:
Matthew: 9:35, And Jesus went about all cities and villages teaching in their synagogues, preaching and the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
The Mysterious Worker stepped into the gathering of His people and began to relieve a lot of written out disabled people, giving hope to the hopeless and placing them back to their previously snatched seat of power. Glory!
Sister Oluwaseun Agunbiade who resides at Aina Street, Ijesha, Lagos State, Nigeria was crippled. As a result of this affliction, she has visited several churches and hospitals for solutions, but all was to no avail. Here’s an account of how this ailment metamorphosed. Years ago at age 3, being a pupil of a particular institution. One day, she returned from school and was about to take her lunch, there and then she discovered that she couldn’t move her legs or stand that was how she was remarked ‘cripple’.
On hearing about this program, she made up her mind to visit The Lord’s Chosen church and asked her daughter to bring her to the church. She was brought to this great occasion and today is her first time stepping into The Lord’s Chosen transformation ground. She settled down in anticipation for the touch of God, and as soon as our G.O mounted the podium, he declared healing and deliverance to the maimed and afflicted people, just then the power of God struck her, and her twisted legs were made straight, she stood up and began to walk to the glory of God.