The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

37 Years Barrenness Terminated After Listening To A Similar Testimony
NAME: Sister Esther Abu
I want to thank God for terminating 37 years of bareness in my life. Before now, I have had lots of crises in my marriage, insults of all kinds. On one occasion, a homosexual rained abusive words on me. Thereafter, my mates that are married with children do ask me ‘how are your children doing? In my husband’s village, whenever I call a child to send on an errand, their parents will reply “do you have any child in this family”? and lots more. The whole scenario seems like God has forsaken me.
I have attended many churches, prayer houses, and different herbalists. One of the days, I took an herbal mixture, it was pounded and given to me to drink. Before I know it, I started vomiting and purging. In fact, I nearly died that day. After that day, I decided that I won’t take anything with regard to the issue.
One day, I visited my sister and in her sitting room, I noticed she was watching a Chosen channel. I asked her some questions. Finally, she directed me to the Lord’s Chosen International headquarters at Ijesha, Lagos state. I visited the venue, attended church partially, and also went to my main church. Months later, I decided to become a full member of the Lord’s Chosen Church. This was in 2011.
Two years ago, in the program ‘and the Enemies Submitted”, a sister testified of how she sought for the fruit of the womb, made a vow, fulfilled it, and received her miracle from God. I keyed into her testimony and told God this ‘if you give me my own child, I will give pay One Hundred Thousand Naira (₦100,000); I will pay fifty thousand Naira (₦50,000) when I conceive and the remaining fifty thousand Naira after I put to birth. I complied with the procedure of my vow and today, I have come to fulfill the other part of the vow.
Today, I am advising everyone that whatever you are looking for, stay put. God will give it to you. Serve him wholeheartedly and in consecration. Everyone should come and join this great movement (The Lord’s Chosen Church) and become a Chosen, so that, God will surprise them.