The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

2 Years Yoke Of Barrenness Broken And Favour Granted
Sister Oluchi George.
She is thanking God for His faithfulness in her life. She came as an expectant mother because she was married but had no child.
One day, in her dream, she was in a queue with other people waiting for the G.O, while there, the G.O came out and called her by name thus: Oluchi follow me. She went with him, then woke up from the dream.
Three months after, she took in but was afflicted with bleeding and an ulcer. She went with her husband to the hospital to undergo a series of tests and scans, at the end of it all, the doctor told her that the baby is no more, and he( the doctor) enquired to know which church she attends and said he equally believes in a miracle.
Days later, she came for a crusade where the man of God spotted the case through the word of knowledge and instructed her to redo the test, after that crusade, she made up her mind to go for another scan. She did so, and the result confirmed that the baby was intact, that was how God honoured the word of His servant in her life, by returning the baby who was termed lost in the womb.
Today she has given birth to a bouncing baby boy.
Secondly, last month, she made a pledge of 10,000 Naira, and God favoured her with the sum of 168,000 Naira.