17 Years And 12 Years Deaf And Dumb Rolled Away By The Great God Of Chosen

3 John: 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
The God Of Chosen has proved His love to Sister Elena Azuibuike whose daughters (Sister Confidence and Sister Delight Azuibuike) were deaf and dumb.
She came from the Bene Republic through the invitation of her Brother in law who is a Chosen member.
According to her, the children have been to many hospitals and churches but no solution.
She came to the Lord’s Chosen Church with her children for the first time today and when Daddy G.O mounted the podium and declared healing on all that were oppressed by the devil, they were struck by the power of God and began to hear and speak clearly.

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