The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

1 Year And 8 Months Violent Madness Healed By The God Of Chosen
But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD” ~ Jeremiah 30:17
When all hope was lost, God proved His Almighty power in the life of our brother, and below is his testimony:
My name is Sister Nkechinyere Friday, I reside at Ndiolumbe. My son’s name is Chisom Friday.
I joined this great ministry, The Lord’s Chosen Church in the year 2004. My testimony goes thus:
On behalf of my son, I want to thank this Great God who healed my son from a year and 8 months of spirit of insanity for a year and eight months. All those while, out of frustration, I have visited so many churches, one out of a lot of them was a church in which the man of God there said that the insanity is incurable, that statement weakened me.
A few weeks after, I heard about The Lord’s Chosen Church program at Ijesha, Lagos, Nigeria titled, ‘Only God Can Do This’ which was held on 25th and 26th December 2022. I took my son to that crusade, and on the first day, our daddy G.O mentioned his case, that way the yoke of madness was broken and he regained his sanity instantly.
I was astonished, Oh! What shall I render unto this God! My son is healed. Hallelujah!
I thank the God Of Chosen who has done this for me and say may His name alone be glorified.
I pray heaven at last for our Daddy G. O and the Chosen members worldwide. Amen.