The Yoke Of Hernia Battered By God – Mgbidi Lagos Experience 2023

So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” – John 8 vs 36

My name is Captain Ugo Young and I reside in Delta State but came from Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

My testimony goes thus;
I have a friend who is named Daniel Atakpa, he’s a member of The Lord’s Chosen Church, a top army officer and a commander of the Army in Bayelsa State.

Last year, we had a meeting in his office, after which he saw me off to my car and invited me to The Lord’s Chosen crusade in Port Harcourt, as he was still talking, I said, “Officer, I am not sound, you know I am a retired officer and can’t go on a long distance” but he said with assurance, “whatever be your problem, follow me, you will never return with them”, I then told him that I have been booked for a hernia operation at Igbogini on Thursday of the next week. He said, “well notwithstanding, when you go to that crusade you will not go for the operation again” and I agreed.

On the day of the program, we arrived at the great Portharcourt crusade, I had this confidence that since he is a big man he will take me to the G.O and the man of God will lay hand on me and pray for me then I will get my healing. Contrary to my thought, my friend said, the G.O will speak from the pulpit and things will begin to happen. Amazingly, I asked, without seeing or laying hand on me can I get my healing?, He said, “yes”, because in my other church the pastor will lay hand on you, and nothing will happen.

After The first day of the programme, we went to the hotel to sleep and the next day, we left very early to the crusade ground. On our arrival, I told him that nothing has happened since we came but he told me to hold my peace. I stayed in the program that second day and my case wasn’t mentioned but towards to end of the programme, Our G.O said, “you hernia whether this man believes it or not, get out!”.

At the close of the day, we returned to Bayelsa State. Before I got home, my house has been flooded and my television destroyed, then I packed my chattels out of the water, while on it, I remembered that the doctor said I should not enter the cold water, immediately, I came out but could not find the hernia. I jumped and nothing happened. I couldn’t believe what I felt.

Afterward, I called my daughter, and we went to see my doctor, I told him that I didn’t see hernia again, he asked, “where did you go?” and I told him that a friend invited me to The Lord’s Chosen church, and as I came back I didn’t see the hernia, he replied, this is wonderful, you mean you didn’t do anything! I said No.

My daughter requested that we visit the General who took me to the crusade in Port Harcourt, when we got there, I informed him about the latest update with regards to my health status. Happily, he said yes! I know it will go, you cannot attend to The Lord’s Chosen programme and go for operation three days later, I informed him that the doctor said I should do some evacuation with injections and some little drugs but he interjected immediately and said, “my friend go to your house and sleep, you don’t need any evacuation or anything, you are healed! That was how the power of God sent hernia packing.

Today, I am a full member of The Lord’s Chosen, and to the glory of God, one of my daughters has joined me in fellowship with the church in Bayelsa State.

I want to thank God for what He has done for me. I wish my General overseer and all the Chosen members worldwide heaven at last, Amen.

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