The incident of the Saul of Damascus that was renamed Paul which occurred in the New Testament days has replayed itself at The Lord’s Chosen Church in the life of Brother Onyeagubulam Daniel and Brother Onyeagubulam Theophilus from Imo State, Nigeria.
We came in contact with The Lord’s Chosen church in 2005 through our parent, but at a time we deviated and ran out of the church because we were living a bad kind of evil life that you can never imagine. I was initiated into a campus cult known as the Neo Black Movement Of Africa AKA Black axe “Aye”. On the other hand, my brother was also initiated into the Supreme Viking Confraternity known as the Aroment. For a good number of years, we’ve been into all sorts of evil. Whenever the both of us attend and leave any gathering in Imo state, there will be bloodshed, we were into murder, assassination, arm robbery, road blocks, we indulged into all forms of wickedness.
Brethren, we advise you, as a youth brother or sister: not only the youth brothers are initiated into cult, sisters join cultism as well.
As we were into all these, we do worship idols. I have the ones I do reverence, he as well has his own god. We were also into drug abuse, I was a former drug baron, we do take heroin, cocaine, and metaphine which is called Kosoro or skush, we smoke cigarettes and Indian hemp like water, we don’t sleep at home. In school where I lodge, the duration of my stay was one year. I do leave my properties and run, I cannot pack them, because I always think that eyes are watching me, I don’t stay in a location for a long time. In all these, God has been faithful, a time came when we had challenges with the police face to face, they had to run for safety.
My brothers and sisters our testimony is actually a piece of advice to the youth in this premises hearing us. The Bible made us to understand that there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is destruction. There is no gain in occultism, arm robbery, drug addiction, rape, wickedness, and worshipping of idols.
Sisters who use cowries for beautification of their hair and wearing on the wrist as bangles, all these things are demonic because if you go to alters and shrines you will discover that cowries are used there, they are also manufactured in the marine world. When I was in Benin or Delta state, I was initiated into a marine Kingdom, I do appear and disappear, but now the God Of Chosen has arrested me.
The conclusion of the whole matter is: I am happy to be a Chosen. Brethren, in January this year, since I was arrested by the God Of Chosen I now have peace of mind, I can sleep without interruption to the grace of God.
I want to thank God who has done this for me, my brother, and our family, may His name be highly exalted in Jesus name, I cover all the Chosen members with the precious blood of Jesus, I pray for my GO, all the Chosen youth members, and my family, heaven at last in Jesus name.
Bro Theophilus: Chosen praise the Lord! Honestly, I am the happiest person on earth. It’s not an easy road, the God of Chosen made it possible for He said in the book of Mark 11: 28 (that we should come to him all those who labour and are heavy laden, He will give us rest). God has given us rest, by His grace we were not consumed. The enemy crippled and wanted to destroy us, but God proved His raw power in our lives, I’m telling you the gospel truth. My brother has said it all.
We had a similar experience with the Saul of Damascus in the Bible. It came to a point, my mother cried day by day, walking along the road like a madwoman, but today she looks younger than her age.

Chosen people praise the Lord! In all these, God showed us mercy, for He will show mercy to whom He will show mercy, and be gracious to whom He will be gracious to. I advise you all, don’t do things because others are doing it. Many of our brothers here do sagging, they wear all sorts of careless clothes. When buying clothes, make sure you know what you are buying, don’t buy dresses and wear because you see others purchase or put them on. Many of our brothers with these rough curls and dreadlocks, I did it in my own time, but it has a spiritual effect own to the fact that when the time came for me to barb the hair, I nearly died, nothing was wrong with me, but I was rolling on the floor. I called my mum telling her that I need to barb my hair, at first she felt she wasn’t in that shoe to do it, but I insisted she should do it anyhow. She prayed and used scissors on it, that was how the marine spirit ran away from me.


Everyone needs to be very careful, both sisters and brothers, we are in a perilous time and any slight mistake you make will leave you with having yourself to be blamed. You won’t blame anybody, because of the signs, warnings, messages, and salvation messages you hear every day. Make sure you amend your ways where necessary, and the God Of Chosen that did it for us will do it for you.
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