The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

The Wind Of Power Blew And All The Affliction In His Life Vanished
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all
Psalms 34:19
Despite the afflictions that befell our brother, God sent the wind of power to blow in his life and everything turned to testimony. Read his testimony below.
My name is Brother Matthias Chukwukadibia Okonkwo. I reside in Lagos state, Nigeria. I am here to testify of what happened in one of the Thursday Counselling and Deliverance service titled “The Wind Of Power.”
I had three health challenges that I was battling with, which included; serious waist pain, serious hypertension, and another serious eye problem. My eye was aching so much that I wasn’t able to see. I had suffered from a serious eye problem for three years, then, waist pain for more than 20 years, and diabetes; I used to urinate more than 10 times in the night.
During the prayer section, our pastor commanded the wind of power to blow. Instantly, the wind blew and everywhere in my body was sanitized. My body became calm. Just within a twinkle of an eye, all the health challenges vanished. From that day till today, I don’t urinate more than once in the night. Today, the Lord has made me whole and I am completely free from all the health challenges.
Praise the Lord!
Wow! This is an amazing testimony. Are you going through a similar situation or other sicknesses and challenges of life? Then, your solution is here. Kindly visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry close to you and your story will turn around for good in Jesus name Amen.