The Person That Was Asked To Shoot Me Could Not Make Use Of His Gun – Lagos Experience

The Mighty God Of Host delivered our beloved brother from the hand of swindlers, read his testimony:

My name is Pastor Ndubuisi Nwachukwu and I am from Abia State, Nigeria.

I want to praise the name of the Living God for what He has done for me. It all happened in August 2022, during the program titled, “Power Belongs To God, Yes!” I attended the program and on our way home, I sang the song our Daddy in the Lord taught us which goes thus; “Power belongs to God, Yes! Power belongs to God, Yes! Power belongs to God, Power, Power belongs to God, Yes!” I sang that song on my way to board a Sienna going to Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria, but because of the heavy downpour, there was no vehicle, but I later got a Sienna and we were just 6 people inside it.

However, I was sitting at the front with another lady, then three boys and a woman were at the back. After we crossed the (Penga) junction towards Umuahia, I felt a hand from the back that gripped my neck and another the driver’s neck, the driver struggled with the vehicle and the hand, but he was able to park by the side, then he opened the door, ran away and shut the door back.

At this point, we knew that the three boys in the vehicle were armed robbers, they broke the side door, came out, and started robbing everyone, firstly, they robbed the woman at the back, took the bag, phone, and money of the lady by my side. I held my phone and money, and when I saw it was no longer a joke, immediately, I declared, “I am a Chosen, I am a Chosen, I am a Chosen, where is the God of my pastor power?” they were unable to take anything from me.

So, one of them left to search for the driver but did not get him, now the two of the boys stood in front of me, by my door side, one of them commanded the other to use the gun and blow my head off me, and that time, I wore my apron inscribed, “Power belongs to God” on it and continuously said, “where is the God of my pastor power”. There and then, the person that was asked to shoot me could not make use of his gun, while the instructor was handicapped, they looked pinned. I tried to open the door, but it was locked, then the third boy among them shouted to his gangs that they should go so they won’t be caught by the military, and that was how they ran and entered the bush.

All this happened around 8 p.m. and there was no vehicle to carry us, just then we saw a private car parked nearby and we rushed in with our bags. While in the car, the driver said he is a man of God coming from a program, he asked if I was in the vehicle that was robbed, then the woman beside me started saying that there was something I was declaring that made the robbers not to shoot or collect something from me.

When we alighted and boarded a tricycle, they made use of my phone to contact their families and continued crying which made the tricycle driver ask the same question the previous driver asked and they said that there was something I declared which made the robbers unable to shoot or collect something from me.

I appreciate this Great God for delivering me from the hands of evil men, may His name alone be glorified forever, in Jesus’ name.

My second testimony goes thus;

After this incident on the 9th of August, On the 17th be the following week, I went for a vigil at Ohafia, and I heard there was a clash between unknown gunmen and military that they were shooting and killing people I didn’t know it was so terrible, I invited two people for the vigil, and they left before me because I am a pastor, I needed to go, on my way the bike I boarded went straight to the unknown gun men abode in that Ohafia, and that night, it was bloodshed. Even the bike man that drove me had to turn back due to the strong plank that was used on him, but when it got to my turn, I declared myself, “I am a Chosen, I am a Chosen, I am a Chosen” then the man’s hand hanged and he could not do anything, and when he brought down his hand, he said, “Pastor, come to this side.”

That is how God delivered me from death two times in a month, and I say this God that has done these, may His name alone be glorified forever in Jesus’ name.

My third testimony goes this way, it happened last year during this time, Mgbidi Lagos Experience 2022, I came here with my pregnant wife but something happened before then that made her lose the baby, I took her to the hospital and after the test, it was confirmed that there was no baby in her womb. The test result was with her, then we both prayed and tore it disagreeing with the report. we were happy because we were in the presence of the Living God.

On the Third day of the crusade, I was going out during the miracle and deliverance hour as instructed by our Daddy in the Lord for us to check people who have received their healing, immediately I heard our Daddy mention our case declaring restoration and recovery of a lost pregnancy, I claimed it for my wife and to the glory of God, God perfected it and she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy on the 13th of November, 2022.

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