The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

The Lord’s Chosen Crusade In Collaboration With Nigerian Navy Chaplaincy Protestant In, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria
Navy Town in Ojo under the supervision of the Nigerian Navy Ship Wey’s (NNS) which spearheads 10 barracks was founded in 1984.
It is one of the biggest barracks in the Nigerian Navy and comprises 4,022 flats and families.
The barrack has existed for 40 years with its regular challenges: drug abuse, sexual assault, family misunderstanding, and quarrels. Its prison is filled with drug addicts, criminals, and other detainees who have been accused of engaging in several notorious acts.
Before the emergence of this program, the barrack environs had restricted its occupants from performing religious duties like, preaching the gospel, evangelism, and praying in open places, and for 40 years, the above-mentioned vices gripped its populace to the point of no remorse.
This has made the leaders of the cantonment quest for physical solutions which has proven abortive, and subsequently, they opted for positive spiritual results. The Muslim and Orthodox have intensely and devotedly begun their fasting and lent, seeking the face of God, while the protestants invited The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement to host the crusade titled, “God That Changes Situation” 2024 in a once gospel-restricted habitat.
Only God Can Do This!
Many entrants from different religions and a large number of people participated virtually in this record-breaking Crusade.
The Lord, through the ministration and prayers of the servant of God, Pastor Lazarus Mouka reconciled sinners to the Lordship of His dear Son, Jesus Christ.
Yokes and chains of diseases, sicknesses, and afflictions of the enemy were broken. Spiritual captives were set free, and few among the many testimonies recorded was that of a woman who was barren for 7 years, after being prayed for in one of our crusades by our Daddy in the Lord, God wiped away her tears with a bouncing baby.
A woman, who had been blind for 10 years, received her sight instantly as the man of God was still praying. The congregants screamed and shouted for joy from the topmost part of the stadium. Behold, it was a woman who came to the crusade blind but can now see. She walked from there, down to the front of the pulpit to testify.
24 years deaf and dumb, 3 years bone cancer, 6 years spiritual poison which resulted in paralysis, and twisted bones, all vanished away right there at the crusade ground.
A man who suffered from a terrible nightmare attack in 1987 which always resulted in him destroying his home equipment and appliances, always chained at night by his family members to hinder him from overreacting whenever he woke up, and was also miserably struck with a hernia which lasted for 37 years, he was to be operated a few days later, but as he stepped into a previous program of the church, the G.O mentioned his case, and when he got home, he searched for the hernia and couldn’t find it.
What a Mighty God we serve!
Songs of praises, worship, and thanksgiving which lightened the atmosphere and ignited fire from the throne of God into the heart of the worshippers were rendered by the Nigerian Navy Cathedral Praise Band and The Lord’s Chosen choristers to the Almighty(Impossibility Specialist) who has done many indescribable deeds amid His people.
Finally, the servant of God made declarations concerning the barrack. He prayed that the angels of God would invade and eradicate all social vices, and sanitize the whole vicinity with revival and righteousness of God.
For every family in the cantonment, he decreed, intervention with the change of situation and bail for those in prison.
To the conveners, he prayed that their generation must be saved, blessed, and make it to heaven at last.
For the nations, he declared, peace, progress, blessings, unity, and fear of God to constantly grip the rulers in their decision-making and taking.
He commanded spiritual blessings, financial miracles, employment, favor from above, divine connections, and reversed suffering, mockery, miscarriage, and broken marriage for all participants.
Above all, he asked God to uphold the worshippers(physically and virtually) in holiness, righteousness, and enabling grace to make it to heaven at last.
Hallelujah! All ugly situations have been changed for good.