[UK 2022] The Gunshot Was Unable To Penetrate My Body

2 Peter 2:9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:


The only Good God who knows how to deliver His children saved our brother from death, read his testimony below.

My name is Brother Okechukwu, I live in the United Kingdom. I thank God for making me and my family Chosen members. I also want to appreciate God for saving me from a gunshot last year, on the 20th of June 2021.

It happened that I was on night duty and around 2:45 am a job was given to me to pick up a black boy who booked a ten-minute ride. On getting to his destination he said I should wait for him to go inside and get my money which was five pounds and eight
pence. I thought to myself, if he comes out it’s fine and if he doesn’t I’ll just go. After a while, he came out and gave me ten pounds and asked me to keep the balance and I thanked him.

I touched the money and realize it was fake, before I could look outside he has gone far. I quickly came out of my taxi and went after him, I lost track of him where the street light ended because I couldn’t see the particular direction he followed, everywhere was dark.

I came to my car, called him with my phone, and asked him why he paid me with counterfeit money. He responded that he came to visit his friend and that’s the money his friend gave him.

I requested he tell his friend to give me the original money. Furthermore, I explained that I offered him a smooth service and all he owe me is my fees, he declined and said I should come back the next day. I insisted that he should give me my money. He asked me if I want trouble and I said I want my money. Before he ended the call, he shouted and threatened to come out in anger and do whatever was on his mind.

A few seconds later, I saw a white and a black guy walking up in my direction, and one of them shot me at close range. I saw the light from the gun and heard the sound but I didn’t see any bullet; the gunshot was unable to penetrate my body. He walked away and returned to shoot me again but nothing happened, then he ran away.

Just then, I took my phone and called the police, in less than 10 minutes, they arrived at the venue, searched the car and my body with their torchlight but they did not see anything, they asked to know how I was shot and there wasn’t scratch on my car or body, and I told them it is the God Of Chosen.

Thereafter, I tried to explain the incident to them but the more I narrated it, the more they get confused. They took me to their office where I was asked to write a statement about the experience and was assured that the investigation will continue from there.

Two days later, two policewomen came to my house and asked me to explain in detail what happened that night, I narrated the incident to them, and they confirmed it was true because they had checked the CCTV on the street and it ascertained that the guy shot at me, they saw the gun powder on the floor, yet, it’s still surprising to them how everything happened, I quickly gave them the Chosen handbill and they assured me that they would go after those guys that shot me if they find out anything they will get back to me.

I appreciate God for delivering me from that gunshot. May His name be highly praised.

Glory to God!

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