The God Of Chosen Crushed Liver Disease And Gave Me Life When All Hope Was Lost

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose – Rom 8 vs 28.

Indeed all things work together to bring us to the will of God for our lives, this is the case of our sister because, after all the ups and downs, God made a name for himself in her life.
Read her testimony below;

My name is Sister Rosemary from Apo region in Abuja, and I am happy to be a Chosen.

I was born deaf and dumb but after five (5) years God opened my mouth and my ears, then
As I grew, my parents noticed that I had a liver problem, my mother took me to the hospital and she was told that I have liver enlargement, I was battling with this affliction till I got married.

However, In 2010, it became severe, my body began to swell with a bloated stomach, I couldn’t do anything about it, and I was turned into a laughing stock because I became a problem to my family, I prayed to God for mercy on my soul, then one day, I was watching my television and I saw one of the Pastors of a Mega Church situated in Ikotun Lagos, I said to myself that I must be there so that God will heal me, then I sold my motorcycle for #60,000, gave #20,000 to my children and used #40,000 to embark on the journey to Lagos.

When I came to Lagos, I went to the Church straight and told them my predicament and that I came to see the man of God, but they requested for doctor’s report and I explained that I don’t know that I would have to bring a doctor’s report to God. They said I won’t join the prayer line, I spent two (2) weeks going there every day for prayer yet nothing happened, at some point, the money I came with was exhausted and I began to cry in the church premises, during the service a woman sitting behind me tapped me, and said I shouldn’t cry, that I will not go back the same, that there is a church called The Lords Chosen that she will lead me to the place, then she took me to one of the branches at Ikotun on getting there the church service had ended but we were able to meet the Pastor with two (2) other members and they welcomed me with happiness and assured me that I would not go back the same and that God of Chosen would do a new thing in my life.

After our conversation, they prayed for me and admonished me to go to Ijesha, I had nothing on me, so the Pastor gave me #4,000, and on Tuesday we came to Ijesha, they took me to the deliverance team and they assured me that I would never go back the same way I came, the encouragement from the brethren alone made me very happy. However, they told me that the General Overseer traveled and it’s unusual for him to miss Tuesday’s service but if I am lucky, he could be back and I would be accommodated for 2 weeks for free.

After the encouragement, I was hoping to see the General Overseer during the evening service of the same Tuesday which starts at 5 PM, I was seated as early as 4:30 PM and started praying but in my heart, I said that I don’t know if they would request for money because I don’t have any, but I was still hoping to see the General Overseer after service but luckily during the closing prayer I heard a voice that said “AMEN!”. Then someone tapped me and said “That is the General Pastor” as he began to pray, he mentioned my case immediately saying “there is a woman here with a liver problem, you came from a far place in the name of Jesus, you are healed, anything you cannot do, go back and do them, anything you cannot eat, go and eat”. As the prayer was going on, I felt goosebumps and screamed then I knew my healing had taken place.

After the service, I said that I would prove this God to know if what I am thinking has happened, I went out and ate rice that night, then the next morning I ate Garri and I didn’t feel that uneasiness that usually happens to me when I eat, I was amazed because I have not seen this kind of miracle before, but during the same Tuesday service, they announced that all the newcomers should come on Wednesday which is the next day for deliverance. I am a person that likes putting on earing and makeovers despite the fact that I was ill, but during the deliverance, all those things were removed, I shaved my hair and I began to live a new life, and I promised God that I will announce his good deeds through The Lords Chosen when I get back to Benue.

When I got back home, my family and neighbours wondered if I was the one or perhaps they are seeing a ghost because the bloated stomach and swollen body had deflated, I told them I was the one and told them that I found a church called The Lords Chosen Church, where my life was rescued. Everyone was coming to see me to be sure I was the one. The next day I used a megaphone to announce what God is doing in The Lord’s Chosen, I started preaching, and those who knew me before as a politician wondered if I was the one, and I gave them handbills and the Chosen branch there recorded over 200 persons and still booming till date.

My parents kept persuading me to return to my previous church. In 2016, I yielded to their request and returned to my former church, that was the beginning of frustrations in my life. The house I was building was on a stand-still, and nothing was moving for me again, then one of the days I traveled to Abuja to bring my goods, and our bus was involved in an accident at Nyanya on December 4th, 2016, everyone in the bus died, I was the only one taken to the hospital by the Road Safety, I was in a coma for 3 months and 2 weeks, I was dying, I saw myself in a spiritual realm with a man on suit looking like our G.O.

He took me and said, you will not die, your ministry on earth is not yet accomplished, with a white handkerchief in his hand, he began to remould my head, my intestines that gushed out were pushed back into my stomach, and my broken legs were revived. He said I would go back to the world to continue preaching, and he gave me a song as I was singing that song and immediately my eyes opened, I woke from the coma, then I jumped down from the bed. Many people witnessed it at the national hospital Abuja and were astonished as they have not seen that kind of miracle.

After the deliverance from the accident, I continued in my former church and was made a Resident Pastor, but fortunately, one day, I met a man in Makurdi and he started saying that “I would continue to experience loss until I die except I return to the umbrella that’s covering me, I must go back to that church, else I would not make it, that I would die and eventually go to hell”. I was troubled by this message, and I lost my peace, subsequently, I lost my husband, father, mother, and one of my sisters. I, with my other two(2) sisters with my children were the only ones remaining, but at a point, I made up my mind to return to The Lord’s Chosen and God restored my peace. I had issues with accommodation and as I went back to my branch my brethren in Chosen, were so happy, they paid rentage for me.

I don’t know how to thank this God of Chosen, God of Chosen is so great, I pray that God would forgive me all my sins, since the day I left, I am ready to serve him with all my children in the Lord’s Chosen Church.

Praise the Lord!

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