The Closing Report Of The Mgbidi 2022 Lagos Experience

We use this medium to exalt the God Of Chosen who in His infinite grace and power has mighty used our Daddy in the Lord- Pastor Lazarus Muoka to make this convention a success, we pray that the Good Lord will replenish all his lost virtues and strength. We appreciate our lovely Mommy Joy Muoka alongside her children for how God has been awesomely using them as an instrument of joy, gladness, and encouragement to the life and ministry of our Daddy. We pray that God shall bless and surprise them immeasurably.

Our gratitude goes to the crusade planning committee, the media house, and other departments who contributed in one way or the other to ensure that the program works out smoothly. May the God of heaven grant all your efforts with outstanding blessings in Jesus name

The crusade could be delineated as a Spirit-Filled and Power-loaded event. It was all-round outstanding and one of its kind just as the caption ‘Mgbidi Lagos Experience’ pinpointed it.

The event witnessed a massive turnout of eminent personalities and prominent men of God from different works of life who were present in their numbers. They all came to behold, adore and reverence the King Of Kings and the Lord Of Lords. God in His infinite power manifested His undisputable wonders in the midst of the congregation. He rolled away afflictions, sicknesses, and ugly situations of life bringing salvation, restoration, deliverance, and joy to as many who attended physically and followed the program through different social media platforms:

  • 46, 38, 35, 30, 29, 28, 26, 25, and 20 years deaf and dumb heard and spoke.
  • 40 and 25 years of arthritis became healed.
  • 65 years bow leg and chronic pain stretched while the pains vanished away.
  • 45 years stammering tongue became normalized.
  • 10 years of cancer of the eyes and 4 years of cancer of the womb became healed and lots more.

Glorious songs of praises and worship were sung by choristers who came within and outside the country, The Voice Of The Cross music group also featured rendering melodious songs to the Almighty God.

Countless testimonies of the mysterious deeds of God were told by many people who God changed their situations. A remarkable one was that of a man who ‘borrowed’ the Chosen slogan which our G.O instructed us to state in the face of danger and difficulty. He declared, ‘I’m A Chosen’. The statement instigated strong confidence in him that the gun of the armed robber will not respond if he eventually shoots it. God stood by the words of His servant, ensured their safety, and recovered their vehicle. Hallelujah!

During the message sessions, our G.O subsequently took us through the topic: What God Has Determined Shall Be Done, and made us know that God must unfold and bring to pass everything which He has determined for us this year and forever.

He prayed and assured everyone that unexpected miracles, favours, promotions, and connections shall be our portion. He unleashed spiritual virtues, power, strength, and fire of the Holy Ghost upon our lives which will enable us to do the will of God, and ordered the angels assigned for the accomplishment of the 10 billion souls mandate to go ahead of everyone and bring to pass all his declarations.

To this Mystery Working God who has done all things well, we the members of the Chosen Revival News will remain forever grateful to you, for all that you have done for everyone in this just-concluded program and all that you are yet to do.
Glory Be To Your Holy Name Forever And Ever in Jesus name. Amen.


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