The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Strange Acts Of God, “AS” Genotype Turned To “AA”
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19 vs 26
Behold, the wonders of our great God. Indeed the above Bible passage was made evident in the life of our brother. What men tamed as impossible is a possibility with God.
Read his testimony;
Chosen Praise the Lord!,
My name is Brother Daniel Ani. I want to thank God for choosing me and my family. I want to testify of the great acts of God in my life.
In the year 2022 when I wanted to get married and had to follow the protocol by going to the marriage committee; when they asked us to go for a laboratory test, we went there and the results of I and my wife were both AS Then I asked myself “did I not pray before starting this journey? Is this not the will of God? This issue caused a lot of commotion. As God may have it, our autonomous pastor asked me in his house “Brother, You know that in this ministry AS and AS cannot get married what do you think about this?
Then I requested him to give me some time to speak to God about the issue. Then I went and continued praying. This started in May, and then in June, I attended our power-packed program titled “And the Enemies submitted.
I remember that night after the last day of the program, I came to the altar, knelt, and told God that if this marriage journey is his will I want him to turn the AS to AA but if not let his will be done then I went home.
In September of 2022, One of the days after a program in the branch, I asked my wife to go and do a test again, she went, and after that, her result showed AA. When it happened, the marriage committee asked us to go ahead with the marriage preparations since one had changed but I still insisted I wanted to see God change my own to AA, However, as we were preparing for the wedding in February 2023, I went back to the hospital to check mine and behold it has turned to AA.
This came as a shock even though I had faith, however, I was telling my friends and then one of them said “It is impossible” and if it is true he would consider joining the ministry, and I told him that he should be ready.
I want to thank God because this is what seems impossible in the eyes of man but God made it possible and I want to return all glory to him, may his name be highly exalted in Jesus’ name.
I pray for my G.O., heaven at last, and all the chosen worldwide heaven at last in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Indeed only God can do this.