The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

She Converted From Islam To Christianity And This Happened
And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me
Psalm 50 vs 15
The ever-potent power of God is always at work to perfect every work to the glory of his name, and that the men of the world will see and know that God is God.
Our sister is an evident example of those helped by God.
Read her testimony.
My name is Sister Wealth Ezekiel. I was a former Muslim woman but last year God encountered me and I’m now a Chosen, I also converted my husband and children to Chosen.
I came from Auchi in Edo state, Nigeria.
My testimony goes thus;
Last year, I cooked Sallah food, my husband’s people came and poisoned the food and my seven Children collapsed, I was not around even though I was the one who cooked the food. When I returned home, my children were rushed to the hospital and then I was a Muslim, we first went to the Mallah, he did his best but all was to no avail, and at last, we ended up spending a hundred and fifty thousand naira before they were discharged.
However, after that incident, I cooked from that same bag of rice to eat and around 12 midnight, I fell ill to the point that my children and I exhausted all we had. It got to the point that I was driven out of the hospital and I went home.
When I slept, in my revelation, I saw Chosen hand bill inside my cloth and I kept it on my chest but before then, when I first came to the hospital, the doctor said that my heart was not working well, and that I had stroke, after then, I began to loose my senses, walk up and down the streets, I no longer know my children, all my clothes I packed and gave them out.
So, when I saw in my revelation the hand bill, I found out that it was the same hand bill that was given to me almost two years ago during the period when I was selling at my shop, So I decided to go to Chosen.
However, before then, I was not able to sleep, eat, or even recognize people for two months. I can’t cross the road on my own due to fear.
I came to The Lord’s Chosen church during the time of the program titled “From Sorrow to Joy” 2024. the branch Pastor was not around but I met a woman on my way, and I explained my plight to her and she said instructed me to enter the church and say, “God Of Chosen deliver me” but I entered there and slept off.
At home, my people began to look for me. When I woke up, I drank the sachet water I had with me, ate the rice of 100 naira that I can’t finish before, bought another 200 naira rice and finished it, I also bought fufu and ate.
That very day I felt free, I was not taken home by anyone because they always held my hand anytime I wanted to go out, When I got home, I slept off, the next day I went to church, became steadfast, and converted all my children to chosen. Today, I am baptized in The Lord’s Chosen church, and work in the Sanitary department, I’m also an Evangelist, and I came to Lagos since three weeks to join the evangelists to evangelize.
On Wednesday, we went to church at the old auditorium where our G.O. said, there is a woman here who has spirit of fear, and really I had fear then.
When I was only a churchgoer, a strange bullet killed my third son inside a store, then I was not strong in the spirit but when I became baptized and began to pray and fast, I was mocked by people who said I had become Churchious but I persisted.
Again, another of my son got lost while wandering in a bush, he met with an unknown gunman who wanted to kill him and as he was about to be shot, he shouted, “My mother is a Chosen oh! I’m not a thief”, the man then asked him what he was looking for, he told him that he was lost and does not know where he was going, so when he was taken to meet their boss, their leader was like, how can a mature man say he is lost, little did my son know that he has been struck with the spirit of madness.
When the apron for the program, “And The Enemies Submitted” 2024 came out, I bought four of it, and gave to my boss who had an accident during that period that affected his two legs but God Of Chosen did His miraculous work in his life, he is now healed. The second apron was given to my son and after a while, he said, “Mummy I want to wash your clothes”. At first, I thought it was a joke but then he washed my clothes and his own, even took his bath and cut his hair and today he is free. I am so happy.
I appreciate this Great God Of Chosen for all He has done, May his name be exalted