Severe Diabetic Sore Healed And Dried Up By God

Great is thy faithfulness (x2)
Morning by Morning, new mercies I see.
All that I needed, thy hands have provided.
Great is thy faithfulness!

The song above is a typical scenario of God’s faithfulness to those who trust in Him. Our sister is a partaker of what the Great God can do.
Read her testimony;

My name is Sis. Chika Ebo. I worship at Ketu Ijaniki, Ayetoro Region in Magbo autonomous, Lagos State, Nigeria, and I thank God for making me a Chosen member.

For 18 years now, I have been afflicted with diabetes and this has kept me in sorrow.

However, last year, my leg started developing diabetes sore and people asked me to rush to the hospital because of the severity, but I decided to come to Thursday’s Counseling And Deliverance Service before proceeding to the hospital.

At the service, I sat right opposite the altar and the topic of that day’s message was “Jesus, The Solution”.

After that fellowship, my faith was rejuvenated because I’d been hearing how this same problem killed others and resulted in their legs being cut off even after spending millions but I knew my case was different.

After that day, I proceeded to Isolo General Hospital in Lagos State. On arrival, I was told that the doctor I sought was dead. I met with another doctor who looked at my legs and concluded immediately that the only solution is to cut them off. I disagreed and told him that my pastor said there was a solution. He argued but I insisted.

He requested that I go for a lab test that costs 35 thousand naira so that they can know how to cut the leg, I refused and went back to my house.

Thereafter, the legs grew worse to the extent that the flesh began to tear off and a pharmacist advised that I should use a bandage to hold it temporarily.

Days later, it started gushing out water, blood, and white pus. In that situation, I took it to my branch church and cleared the weed in the compound, the wound was filled with sand, and people around told me to stay in one place, but I kept on carrying out the activity, afterward, I went for evangelism because I have confidence in the God who never fails.

Brethren, The good news is that this God Of Chosen that answers prayers has miraculously healed me and the sore has dried up. God is indeed faithful.

Before my healing, as a diabetic patient, at point in 2022, I was crippled for six months.
At that period, a sister called me and said she knows I love being a Chosen but because of my condition, I should follow her to a place, then after my healing, I can return to my church. I replied, ‘if I leave The Lord’s Chosen church, I’ll die’.

I have joy in being a Chosen member, and I prefer to die and make heaven than leave the church, get healing, and end in hell. I refused to compromise and today, I’m standing with my legs, healthy and sturdy.

Beloved, I don’t know what you’re going through and you’re about to consider their advice, you might go and not return. Before you proceed with any treatment, try to attend service and at least hear the word of God from our daddy in the Lord, pray and trust God because He is faithful.

Praise the Lord!

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