The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Report Of God Has The Power To Do This Or That, Imo State 2024
We appreciate the Lord who has been with our Daddy in the Lord, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, his family, and Chosen members worldwide, the Imo State brethren and Pastor in collaboration with the media, crusade committee, intercessors, and evangelists, who voluntarily and effortlessly contributed to the success of this program.
God magnified Himself as He frustrated the plans of the enemy along Owerri express road, and spared the lives of the church members(64 passengers) as a truck ran into the church vehicle and collided with it which caused a fatal accident on their way to the crusade, but the Lord reversed the death sentence; no soul was lost among the Chosen members. The God of Chosen is so great!
Imo State has been the international resort of the church, where people from different tribes, races, and continents of the world converge annually to seek the face of the Lord.
For over biennial, crusades and programs have been restricted as a result of territorial insurgencies that have rampaged that part of the country. Over time, the inhabitants have anticipated the word and power of God, and as God may have it, He designed, drafted, and brought this program to accomplishment. A huge crowd showed up, and it was an overflow that recorded the highest number of participants in recent times.
The rainy weather which dripped was reversed to become blessings by the pronouncements of the servant of God, and many partook in that amazing miracle which changed their stories to glories
The life-regenerating miracle crusade recorded a good number of amazing evidence of the mighty power of God in action: 13 years dead and dumb heard and spoke, four years loss of sight, 31 years madness, two years glaucoma and cataract, the blind, paralyzed, and many more instantly received their healing at the declaration of freedom by the man of God.
A woman who was diagnosed with a growth in her stomach which caused her severe pain and discomfort was booked for an operation, and on the day of the surgery, she was taken to three different hospitals just to confirm that the growth was there before the operation will be carried out, but God in His infinite mercies intervened and removed the growth and excruciating pains. Incredibly, after all the checkups that were carried out, the medical officers couldn’t find anything.
Another woman was maritally written off by her family, church, and neighbors, but God visited her and wiped away her tears, He favored her with a pilot at the declaration of deliverance by the servant of God. What a Mighty God we serve! Visit our official website to read and listen to more testimonies of the Lord’s doing.
All the worshippers cavorted joyfully as songs of praises, worship, and thanksgiving were rendered unto the Lord by the chorus leaders, children, campus, P. R. O, police military and paramilitary squad, adult and duet choristers.
Message ministration was expounded in topics: God Has the Power To Do This Or That (parts 1&2): God can do and undo, He has no limitations. Whatever problem the enemy has put in your life is to the glory of God. He will kill your enemies and make you alive.
Furthermore, the worshippers were reminded of the impending wrath of God’s judgment which shall befall the unrepentant ones and multitudes remorsefully stepped out to surrender to the Lordship of Christ.
Lastly, loads of blessings, connections, success, prosperity, favors, open doors, protection, and victories were prayerfully delivered to all participants. Again, arch angels of the Lord were assigned to ensure the safety of everyone to their various destinations.
We return all glory, honor, and majesty to the Almighty God who has done these great things. Hallelujah!