The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Read What He Did And God Lifted Him To The Throne
Psalm 113 vs 7: He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;
Our Brother is typical evidence that God is the lifter and helper of men and that he can help anyone,
Read his testimony thus;
Chosen praise the Lord,
My name is Ugochukwu Nwafor from Mascara Autonomous,
My testimony goes thus;
During our crusade titled ‘Sorrow to Joy’ 2024 on the last day being Sunday, our G.O called for a pledge; he started from high to low amounts; he said anything that God put in your mind, just give; the account details were shared on the screen, and I make up my mind to pay a certain amount. Our G.O. said one word he said ‘anybody who can pay this money from now till three days, he will see what God will do.’ So after the next day, Monday that is our workers and leaders meeting, Tuesday passed, and I went back home. On Wednesday, my spirit was telling me to remember what our G.O. said about redeeming the pledge in three days. Immediately, I made up my mind to pay the money, and I transferred it.
Before you knew it, God of chosen moved into action; he began to send bombs for millions of naira from East, North, and everywhere. Millions of naira began to come in because I am into property and development.
God of chosen began to prove himself as I obeyed his word, and millions began to enter my account.
Afterward, I was moved in the spirit, because our branch worship center building was being rented, So I decided to build a powerful worship center/structure for God so that the enemy would know that God of chosen answers prayers; then, after the rainy seasons, by December, I will start construction there. Hallelujah
Brethren, it didn’t end there, during the program titled “And the Enemies Submitted” I was not able to attend, but I and my family watched the program online without going anywhere and I was praying to God that he should call for pledge and he did, I paid my pledge right in my parlor and God of chosen showed me that the one he was giving me before is a child’s play, By the grace of God, God of chosen has blessed me with many properties to the extent that I don’t know some of my properties anymore, I was going somewhere and Someone asked me where have you been? And I was confused and the person reminded me of a property I already forgot. The God of the Chosen has lifted me, and that is why I said I would follow him both in life and death. People have seen the hand of God in my life, business, and family. When I came to Chosen in 2009, I was in abject poverty and couldn’t boast of 5000 in my account; people were mocking me and calling me a church prostitute, but today, God has lifted me. May his name be highly exalted.
I pray for my daddy G.O, heaven at last, and all Chosen worldwide heaven at last In Jesus name Amen
Chosen is blessed