Read What Happened To 12 Years Broken Marriage – Lagos Experience 2023

And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you – Joel 2 vs 25

My name is Sis Florence Oshinade, I thank God for making me and my family Chosen members. My testimony goes thus;

In the year 2010, while I was pregnant, I noticed a strange character in my husband: he was always removing his property from the house one after the other while we were still living as husband and wife. Days later, he left the house and never returned that was how I was left alone with the pregnancy.


When it was time for delivery I came down to my hometown Benin, and by the grace of God on 2nd June that year I delivered my baby, my husband didn’t call nor care but during the naming ceremony, he sent the baby’s name. After that, I didn’t hear from him then when my baby was two years old, he fell very sick, and if I take him to the hospital he will be fine but on our way back home he will become sick again. This went on till one day at midnight, her temperature became very high, I didn’t have anyone to call or even know what to do but there was NEPA light, so I decided to switch on my television, and as I was searching for different channels to watch, I got to where I saw people who wore an apron and are dancing. On the other hand, my baby that was lying lifeless on the bed looked at the television, he got up and started dancing, he danced till his temperature calmed down, I was surprised.

Afterward, Daddy G.O. came up, and started praying and declaring freedom, my son became totally relieved and the fever disappeared. I took a pen and copied the address then promised myself to locate the church. So, on Sunday of that week, I dressed up to go and look for the church, unknown to me that the church is at the back of my former place of worship, I followed the address and located the church that was how we remained in Chosen. I continued in fellowship because I heard continuation brings freedom. The salvation message usually encourages me in the aspect of my marriage. I believed my husband will come back to me as I keyed into the pastor’s declaration.


Last year August 2022, my husband came to Benin, on sighing him, I became surprised but welcomed him. The next thing he said was that he wants to rest, he went and lay down and slept. Later on, his son went and woke him up and he told me that all the churches he has been to have always told him to come back to me( his wife) if he wants peace.


Finally, he came back to us, that was how God reconciled 12 years of a broken marriage. I give Him all the glory! I wish my Daddy G.O. and all Chosen members worldwide heaven at last in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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