The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Read How He Became The Youngest Landlord Within His Locality – Youth Program 2023
He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap, that He may seat him with princes of His people.
Psalms 113:7-8
God Almighty remembered our brother and launched him into a new era of financial prosperity. Read his testimony.
My name is Brother Chukwuemeka Nnadi. I reside at Ogun State, Nigeria. I want to specially appreciate God for the salvation of my soul and for the privilege to be a Chosen. I also want to thank God for granting me financial favour after the just concluded program, titled: “God that does what no man can do, 2023.”
During that programme, an opportunity was given to people to launch one of the latest books published by our General Overseer titled, “Separate Ye from Them.” I pledged the sum of one hundred thousand naira (100,000) and redeemed it immediately. After the program, I was on my way home, when I got a call to hurry back home that a container was waiting for me. I received the container and within the space of two months, I received another four containers of goods and made a profit of over two million naira (2,000,000.00) profit. I am so grateful to God Almighty because I don’t know a business I would have done with one hundred thousand naira (100,000) and realized such profit.
I thank God for the grace of evangelism He bestowed on me. I started preaching the gospel in streets and prisons. Thereafter, God mysteriously connected me to a business in China and Spain. He lifted me from nothing to something. I bought land early this year and built a house. When my family and I moved in, people asked me how I was able to erect an elegant building of that kind within a few months being the youngest landlord in the area and I told them it’s God of Chosen. Brethren that was how God made me the youngest landlord within that locality.
Are you suffering of poverty and struggling to make ends meet, the power of God can change your situation. Visit the nearest branch of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement and God will give you the power to make wealth thereafter, you will be the next to testify in Jesus name, Amen. Jesus Christ is Lord!