The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Read How God Delivered Her From Demonic Oppression
Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.
Psalm 107:6
The only good God has shown our sister mercy and delivered her from all her trouble. Read her testimony below:
My name is Sister Immaculate, and I want to share how God intervened in my life. In 2019, I started urinating on the bed involuntarily while asleep. I went to see my doctor, and after many tests, they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. Around the same time, my pastor told me about a vision he had. He saw a basket with tiny women in it. That basket doesn’t hold water, so they don’t want water to stay in my body. I didn’t fully understand what he meant but My condition worsened to the point that I filled a bucket with urine before morning.
Due to this ailment, I kept losing weight. I called a friend and showed her the tests I had done and she brought a tricycle and carried me to the Lord Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement each time the Pastor is praying, he would mention my case and I would claim it with faith.
One night, I had a dream and in that dream, I stood at the Lord Chosen altar and I saw a white horse at the altar and the angel of our G.O. standing at the altar and many other angels. An Angel asked me to climb the horse that we were going somewhere. We arrived at a strange place and I saw many women there putting on black clothes and many cats also in many colours. The angel of the pastor removed a sword and began to kill all the women and the cats. When the angels finished, he asked me to climb the horse and the angel took me somewhere and showed me a basket and said I should bring the basket and I brought it, and He asked me to drop the basket at the alter and the alter open and the basket entered inside.
I woke up from the dream feeling different.l knew something had happened because the bedwetting stopped, and my health improved. So I have come to appreciate the Almighty God to him be all the glory in Jesus’ name. Amen
Are you going through any health issues? This is your time to be free. Visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, and your tears shall be turned to joy.