[PHOTO SPEAKS] Pastor Lazarus Muoka Live At The Church Dedication In Okota, Lagos, Nigeria.

Glory be to the name of God the Father and Son Jesus Christ who through His Holy Spirit ignited the burden to erect a magnificent place of worship in the heart of His children at Okota 1 regional Headquarters. Today, the outcome of the wondrous works of God speaks.
Mathew 16:18. And I say also into thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Amidst oppositions and challenges everywhere, the unchanging word of God according to the above scripture manifested outrightly, and on the visit of our General Pastor to the venue of the celebration, he said, “the completion of the building of this church is the finger of God. Whatsoever God says must come to pass. He has no abandoned project”.
On the other hand, the congregation who were overwhelmed in joy and jubilation at the arrival of our G.O received loads of tremendous blessings which were poured out to them as the servant of God was compelled by the spirit of God, he declared, “Father, bless these ones because they are qualified for your blessings”. He assigned the angel of God to follow up on whatever he has said and bring them to accomplishment.
Hallelujah! We are grateful to God for everything He has done. To whoever that comes across this article, we urge you to observe wherever you are and discover what God wants you to do for Him, do whatever you are propelled to do, the Faithful God will in turn instigate physical manifestation of His blessings, and testimonies shall be what you shall profess all the days of your life, in Jesus name.
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