The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.
The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

The Children Ministry
The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement is a unique church established by God in this end time to draw all souls into the kingdom of God. And as part of her vision has considered child training and development an important one that should not be neglected bearing in mind that no true church is complete without the young ones.
The church has an established children ministry where all the children that come in contact with us are given the opportunity to have a personal relationship with Christ. Equal privileges are given to the children to be prepared for the second coming of our Lord Jesus.
The Youth Ministry
There shall be Youth Department in the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry from the Headquarter to other locations National and International. The church is divided under three sections namely, Adult, Youth Children, in which the Youth Department exist, 1 John 2:12-14.
WHO IS A YOUTH? A youth according to the United Nation Definition is a young person from the age of 12 years and above. But here in the church, we try to put many things under considerations, we then conclude that those who make up or consist of the Youth Department are those from Secondary School of JSS 1 – SSS 3, those that are working, trading, having or doing one vocational work the other. Ex-students are also included.
OUR VISION – To nurture the youths spiritually, academically, socially as to achieve the three fold vision of the church as follows: v Grassroots revival all over the world Mark. 16;15; Luke 19:10 v Revival of the Apostolic Christian experiences among the body of Christ 1 Peter. 2:9; Act 2:17 v Revival of heavenly consciousness in the heart of the youths and ten billion souls mandate Mathew 6:33; John 14:1-3.
OUR SCOPE – Our scope is to refocus the minds of the youths in this age, uplift their lives and help establish them in their specific callings and vocation. This could be achieved by reaching out to the youths on the streets, in the market places, in the schools and impact in them the rudiment and principles of life success.
Monday Workers Training 5PM – 7PM
Thursday/Friday Revival Hour 5PM -7PM
Sunday Principles of success 8AM – 2nd to the last testifier

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