My Kidney Problem Disappeared And My Wife’s Fibroid Was Changed To Fine Boy

Ps.77.14 – Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people.

The great God of Heaven and Earth has thwarted the plans of the enemy in the life of our brother.

Read his testimony:

My name is Brother Ifeanyi Okonkwo, my wife’s name is Udochukwu Okonkwo and my son’s name is Brother Chibuoto Light Okonkwo.

After my white wedding on the 2nd of April 2022, my body, my abdomen and legs suddenly became swollen. I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with kidney problems and infections and my wife was also diagnosed with fibroid. I and my wife laughed at the test result because we carried out a general body test before the wedding and the results were okay.

Two days after we were diagnosed with this ailments, we were privileged to see our General Overseer and we showed him the test results, he prayed and said “any evil report in your body, I cancel it and I change everything that is not of God in your body” a few months later my wife became pregnant and my swollen body deflated.

After three months, we went for a scan and the doctor said my wife is carrying a baby boy and he can also see a fibroid. I told him it was a lie, you are seeing a fine boy. He asks us” Which church do you attend? and I said The Lord’s Chosen Church. He said ‘ You people’ Her delivery process was tough and I nearly collapsed when I saw her. By 6:45 pm I sent a message to our General overseer and by 7:05 pm my wife put birth to this bouncing baby boy.

This is how God removed my kidney problems and infections and change my wife’s fibroid to a fine boy and I appreciate God for this great work he has done in our lives.

Glory to God.

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