The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Miracle Conception After The Women Program In 2022
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; The fruit of the womb is a reward
Psalm 127 vs 3
The word of God is yea and Amen, the miracle-working God, the yoke breaker, the mighty God have done that which seems impossible in the life of our sister after a word and prayer from the man of God.
Hear her testimony thus;
My name is Sis. Precious Mmadubeze, My testimony goes like this;
Last year my uncle called me and told me to prepare for the 2022 women’s program titled: Woman thou has found Favour with God, I have been married for 2 years without a child and this became a worry to my heart, so I prepared for the program. When I came here, I had so much faith and was wholeheartedly expecting something ( a child). Fortunately, during the prayer session Pastor mentioned my case and Immediately I started crying and weeping, praying that God would visit me and that I would testify.
After the program, I left and the next month I conceived. Brethren behold the work of the Lord, this year ‘woman thou has found favour with God’ 2023 I am here with my baby. Hallelujah!