The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

Miracle Admission And Divine Deliverance Granted By God
Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield
Psalm 5 vs 12
Indeed, God never forsakes His own, for He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Our Brother is clear evidence of the scripture passage above.
My name is Brother Abraham Chetachukwu from the University Of Nigeria Enugu Campus, Enugu State, Nigeria. I want to thank God for making me a Chosen member, for the salvation of my soul, and also for delivering me from the spirit of smoking, fornication, and masturbation. Since I made up my mind to do away with sins and follow the Lord, He has never failed me.
Last year, I wrote jamb, The first list came out and my name was not there, I wasn’t bothered because I knew what my God could do. The second one showed up, names on the list were meant to be 50 but miraculously 51 names were released, and my name was the 51st name.
Since I got admission to study medicine and surgery, it has not been easy but God has been there for me. When I entered the 200 level, It was difficult to pay my school fees, and no money to buy textbooks. I thought of how to scale through, before I could know it, one of my aunts called and said, “I heard you got admission to study medicine and you don’t have a laptop, how are you coping? Tell your brother to send me his account number and let me send you money for a laptop”. I was so excited. God came through for me.
Secondly, I was in my room at the campus preparing to cook my “student egusi soup”, I put my stockfish in a pot and placed it on the fire, waiting for it to boil, I slept off and woke up by 2 am. To my greatest surprise, my gas was already switched off, no smoke or sign of burns in the room, nobody was there with me, and my door was locked.
That was how God delivered me from an incident that would have claimed my life.
I give all the glory, honour, and adoration to Him, asking Him to give me the strength to serve Him.
To my G.O., Chosen members worldwide, me, and my family, I pray, that we all shall make heaven at the end of this life in Jesus name.