The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.
Everyone is born into this sinful world with a sinful nature Romans 3:23, as a result of everyone being born with a sinful nature, our deeds are evil because of our devilish nature.
As a result of the Adamic nature, children do negative things.
Romans 7:18-25, the apostle lamented that they do what they don’t want to do, but that which they want to do, they do not.
Everyone born of man and woman is a victim of this sinful nature, and humanity finds it difficult to do what is right without our Lord Jesus Christ, John 15:5, 1 Corinthians 15:10, the Apostle was able to recognize the presence of the grace of God. He knew without grace he wouldn’t have labour more.
So, we have every reason to thank the Lord today for what our Lord Jesus Christ did for all humanity, Romans 6:23, John 3:16-19, so we can see that we must be thankful to God for our redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The apostle appreciates the greatness of God, Romans 7:25; He thanked God through Jesus Christ because, through him, we are saved and have our redemption.
All we believers are enjoying today is as a result of our Lord Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:13, so whoever that must be transformed, must be through our Lord Jesus Christ. Colossians 3:8-10.
Our lives must conform to the lifestyle of the kingdom.
What is the lifestyle of the kingdom? Matthew 6:33, it is very clear that the lifestyle of the kingdom is RIGHTEOUSNESS. We must be holy, full of righteousness or purity, without any iota of devilish lifestyle. If we must be blessed here on earth and thereafter.
If we must be blessed and be very happy, then we must live the lifestyle of the kingdom which is righteousness, John 8:36, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, purity is very important, righteousness too.
We cannot have the spirit of God and the devil at the same time. We cannot be sinners and saints at the same time. Because once we give our lives to Christ old things are passed away.
Our lives are transformed. 1 John 3:8-9, when one is genuinely saved, the Adamic nature will be destroyed and such a person will find grace to live a newness of life in Christ Jesus.
So, when one is born again, such a person will be transformed, 2 Corinthians 5:17, from that Adamic nature to the nature of Christ. Such a person will be free from sin in all totality and be full of the newness of life because the spirit of the old man will be destroyed.
Such a person will hate evil and love righteousness because of the newness of life and the spirit of God in him or her, Colossians 3:1-10; once such a person is genuinely saved, he or she won’t be comfortable in doing evil…
Such a person will begin to practice righteousness in love, in truth, in fear of God, mercy, obedience, meekness, holiness, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Such a person will also find it easy to forgive, Ephesians 5:1-2. They won’t find it difficult to serve God; they will see the need to go after lost souls because of the love they have for God.
Matthew 5:6 and 8, if you must excel and make Heaven at last, be blessed, have favour in the sight of men and God, we must endeavor that our life has been transformed, living the lifestyle of Jesus in all righteousness. Such a person will be blessed spiritually, physically, academically, and otherwise. God who is the owner of this kingdom, the kingdom of righteousness, will give it to you naturally.
We must endeavor to ensure total transformation into the newness of life, holiness, truth, fear of God, and humility. If we find out that these things are missing, we must ask the Lord for the transformation of a life of righteousness and holiness in every way.
Remember, a genuine believer is regarded as children of light because we have the light of the world, which is Jesus Christ. We must endeavor to shine wherever we are, Matthew 5:14-16, in this world of darkness.
Arise and shine, for thy light has come, and the glory of God is risen upon thee; if you are not shining today, we must go for total transformation. The world is full of gross darkness, so shine. Preach to everyone before the rapture of the saints, as we do so, we shall be blessed. God will take care of you. You cannot be holy and, at the same time, sinners. We cannot be believers and, at the same time, unbelievers.
Once you are born again, your life is supposed to be transformed, John 8:46, every one of us must endeavor to show the world the lifestyle of the kingdom, we must not copy the world, Matthew 5:16, we are to tell the world what is obtainable in the kingdom, which is righteousness, purity inside and outside.
We must live a transformed life to the glory of God. If we discover there is still something lacking, we must tell the Lord that in this program your life shall not remain the same wherever we go, We will be a youth with a difference, and we won’t be everybody, 2 Corinthians 5:17, We must ask God to transform us so we can be an instrument to transform others, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, no one living this kind of lifestyle can make heaven at last or be an instrument of God. Mark 9:43-48, the Lord used these examples: our eyes, hands, and legs, they are very important to the body, if anything will hinder us from making heaven, we must cut it off.
All these things are very important, Matthew 5:6, we should not joke with them, we must not allow the friendship of the world to hinder us, so what we should be after is living the lifestyle of the kingdom. We should desire it.
We must not allow anybody to distract us. We should be a blessing wherever we are. Our life will never remain the same. Remember, no one should allow an iniquity lifestyle, and if you are into that lifestyle, you must tell the Lord no more, you want to live the lifestyle of the kingdom.
A negative lifestyle can mar the future. Tell the Lord you want your life to be transformed, you want to be blessed. As we go for a total transformation in this program, our life shall never remain the same; we shall begin to blossom, shine as a light, and be an instrument to transform others.
At the end of this life, heaven, at last, shall be our portion in Jesus’ name.
Lord transform me so that I can be an instrument to transform others.