The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

[KANO 2024] Read How God Healed Him From Paralysis And Stroke
Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise
God is compassionate. He has showered his infinite mercies on our brother. Please read his testimony below:
My name is Audu Abraham, and I joined this ministry in January 2022.
I am here to thank God for His grace upon my life. Before coming to his ministry, I was afflicted with paralysis and a partial stroke. This prompted my two siblings who were already members of The Lord’s Chosen to invite me to a crusade in Bauchi State, Nigeria.
I met them in Kano State, and we went to the crusade ground together in Bauchi State. By the mercy of God, I went with great expectations and also believed in God that I would never go home the same.
As our Daddy-in-the-Lord prayed, I stood up and walked for the first time in three months, which was in November 2023.
Since that day, I have thrown away my walking stick, and God has perfected my healing. I also resumed work the following year (2024 ) to the glory of God.z
Praise the Lord!!
Are you passing through any form of ailment that has incapacitated you, and you have done all you can and no solution? Visit the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement and watch all your sorrows turn to joy.