Just One Day In Chosen, God Restored My Sight And Delivered Me From An Evil Bird

John 8:36: – “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

After one encounter with the Lord’s Chosen Church, the narrative of our sister changed. Today she is a testifier.

Read her testimony.

My name is Sister Egbu Chibuzor. I reside in Festac Town. I have been declining various invitations of coming to The Lord’s Chosen Church because I am a Catholic from birth but as my neighbors introduced this program to me, I couldn’t decline and promised to attend. This is my first time coming to Chosen.

I have been having serious problems with my eyes and I couldn’t observe my daily devotion since I couldn’t read anything. Before then, I had a dream where a voice said to me, ‘let me see how you will be able to study your Bible’. It also told me that I will go blind soonest. I woke up and narrated my dream to my sister who said I should just use salt and water to wash my eyes and pray. That morning, a whitish substance dropped from my eyes.

This was how my eye problem started and I couldn’t read anything, both small and bold text. I had to change my Bible to one with bolder text yet, nothing changed. I couldn’t recharge my phone myself, my children helped me read the Bible, daily. I stopped seeking for a solution and decided to move on with this problem since nothing seems to work.

During this program, while our General overseer was praying, he mentioned an eye problem and declared healing. That was when I remembered this long-term problem. I immediately started praying along with him. In that process, I saw a white snake from my side, walking out sluggishly. I looked at those sitting by me and noticed nobody saw it. Daddy asked us to check ourselves after the prayer session. I picked up my Bible and realize I could read the texts clearly and with ease. I came out to testify.

After the service yesterday, while sleeping we heard the sound of a bird in my backyard opposite my window. I woke up and started praying. I assured my children that God of Chosen has taken over already and we slept. In my dream, I saw a bird flying around our room. I wasn’t afraid a bit. I was just wondering while the bird is flying aimlessly. I saw someone appear and sat by my side. As I turned, I saw our G.O. I was able to recognize him in that dream because he was in the same suit he wore yesterday. He stared at the bird, raised one of his hands and fire consumed the bird to death. I woke up, eased myself, and returned to sleep after a word of prayer.

I thank God for the deliverance He granted unto me.

Chosen praise the Lord!

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