The God of Chosen Answers Prayer.

[INTERVIEW]A Former Drug Addict Becomes A New Man In Christ
C.R.N: Can we meet you?
RESPONSE: I am brother uchenna ukachukwu, living at No. 24 badare street, maza- maza, Lagos state. I hail from mbutu obahia in abo mbaise local government area of Imo state.
C.R.N: While testifying, you talked about working in a hotel.
UCHE: Yes, I started working in a hotel in the year 2016. In that hotel, I became so bad to the extent that I drew tattoos all over my body, we sell alcoholic drinks, and engaged into sinful relationships, infact, I was like a manager, in charge of what is being sold, also prostitutes work there with all manner of atrocities committed. Early last year, I had issues with the owner of the hotel, which made me to leave the hotel, along the line, a friend of mine introduced me to a drug business, I got interested in it, sold and also took it.
C.R.N: What kind of drug did you sell?
UCHE: I sold cocaine, Indian hemp, chialy, ice, SK and so on. I got addicted to it to the extent that I can’t eat if I don’t take it. At the process of selling those drugs, most times, police officers, SARS, invade our territory, we will be left with no option than to run away with our goods, and return when they have left that area.
C.R.N: How long have you been into this business?
UCHE: I’ve been into this business for over 6 months plus. One of the days, I noticed a chosen man passes through the place I do my transactions.
C.R.N: When you made that discovery, what did u do?
UCHE: I do observe him anytime I see him pass.
One day, he decided to stop by, approached me, asked if I could follow him to church, I agreed but failed to do so. Some days later, he traveled, when he returned, he met me again at that point where I stayed to do my business. He stated that he wants me to go to church with him, this time, I did not relent, we went to church the next day being Thursday, that was the week the program “THAT YOKE MUST BREAK” was to take place, after the ministration of the servant of God, reaching home, I had no peace within, disturbed to shave my hair, because, prior to now, I made dreadlocks, I went to a near by saloon, had my hair cut, after that, I felt relieved a bit, since then, I have being attending church services, the selling and intake of drugs and alcoholic drinks ceased in my life, now, I am a chosen.
C.R.N: Since you became a changed person, what have being the reaction of your friends?
UCHE: Anytime my friends see me, they become amazed, wondering what has happened to me, I do tell them that the God of chosen has made me a new creature in Christ Jesus.
C.R.N: Your friends will be used by the devil to entice and distract you, they will call you abusive names, don’t consent to their advice, and hold on to your conviction.
UCHE: OK, I will stand fast in the truth.
C.R.N: What is your advice to people out there?
UCHE: My advice to youths who are still wallowing in that kind of my life style is this: There is no peace for the wicked says the lord. For you to be free, come to the lord’s chosen church, you will become transformed after listening to the undiluted word of God.
C.R.N: We bless God for your genuine salvation.
UCHE: I thank God for that.
C.R.N: Identify with a department, actively involve yourself in the work that is being done there, we assure you, more testimonies are yet to come your way.
UCHE:OK I will do that, Amen.
C.R.N: God bless you.
UCHE: Bless you too.